Volume 41

Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1981
Volume 41, Number 2, February, 1981
Volume 41, Number 3, March, 1981
Volume 41, Number 4, April, 1981
Volume 41, Number 5, May, 1981
Volume 41, Number 6, June, 1981

Number 1


Semena M. G. and Gershuni A. N.: Analysis of capillary-transport characteristics of metal-fibred structures ... 5 Vasiliev L. L., Bobrova G. I. and Stasevich L. A.: Heat transfer with a gas flow in rough tubes with superficial suction ... 13 Tokar' I. Ya., Sirenko V. A. and Yurchenko N. P.: To the calculation of drop- wise condensation ... 17 Ignatievskaya L. A. and Savostianov V. A.: Self-excitation of the vortex street intensity behind a plane model with the body located in its wake ... 24 Vafin D. B., Dregalin A. F. and Shigapov A. B.: Radiation of two-phase fluxes in Laval nozzles ... 31 Bakanov S. P., Deryagin B. V. and Roldugin V. I.: To the diffusion gas slip. II. Application of the method of irreversible process thermodynamics ... 40 Barinova M. F. and Shchukin E. R.: On the thermodiffusion-phoretic capture of aerosol particles in a different-temperature plane channel ... 47 Rozenshtein A. Z.: The method of studying particle concentration fields in dis- persed flows ... 55 Buevich Yu. A.: Forced fluctuations in a homogeneous fluidized bed ... 61 Golovanchikov A. B. and Tyabin N. V.: The method of interpolation of experi- mental data with specifying rheological properties of fluids ... 70 Prokunin A. N. and Sevruk V. D.: The effect of flow retardation with different strain types ... 74 Chernyshov A. D.: Governing equations for rubber-like thermoviscous-elastic materials with finite strain ... 82 Makarenko I. P. and Simuni L. M.: A viscous fluid flow in a horizontal layer due to thermal heterogeneity of the lower boundary ... 90 Pervadchuk V. P., Yankov V. I. and Boyarchenko V. I.: A two-dimensional flow of non-Newtonian fluid in an auger channel with allowance for wall slip ... 94 Krakov M. S., Samoilov V. B., Rakhuba V. K. and Chernobai V. A.: A study of the thermal mode of magneto-fluid packings ... 99 Ismagilov R. Kh., Kiyamov Kh. G. and Sabitova N. G.: A positive electrical arc column with the given distribution of internal heat source strength density ... 105 Dulnev G. N., Savintseva L. A. and Sharkov A. V.: Thermal operation of the illuminant operating in a pulsed regime ... 112 Zhuravlev Yu. A., Blokh A. G. and Spichak I. V.: Analysis of a three-dimensio- nal field of selective radiation in a furnace by the method of mathematic modelling ... 119 Gurevich M. E., Larikov L. N. and Nosar' A. I.: Optimization of the scanning adiabatic calorimetry technique ... 129 Zhuk V. I., Il'in S. A. and Chubarov D. N.: Determination of thermal boundary conditions by the transient temperature measurements ... 136 Iskenderov A. D., Dzhafarov Dzh. F. and Gumbatov O. A.: Some explicit solu- tions to multidimensional inverse unsteady heat conduction problem ... 142 Novikov V. S.: The finite integral transforms for heat and mass transfer prob- lems in transient and heterogeneous media ... 149 Malov Yu. I., Martinson L. K.: Steady heat conduction problem for inhomoge- neous medium with local insertions ... 158 Berdakchiev A. V.: Bound thermal elasticity problems for a parallelepipedon ... 164 SURVEY Dul'nev G. N. and Novikov V. V.: The methods of analytical determination of effective conductivity of heterogeneous systems ... 172 CHRONICLE Mirzadzhanzade A. Kh.: The 3rd All-Union International School "Hydrodyna- mic problems on pipeline oil transportations" ... 185 Number 2


Dzyubenkb B. V., Sakalauskas A. V., Vilemas Yu. V., Ashmantas L. A.: Local heat transfer in the interfube space of the twisted tube heat exchanger ... 197 Kalinnikov V. A.: On the effect of external heat transfer on the impregnation of the preliminarily heated filler ... 203 Chigarev N. B., Chigareva T. S.: Experimental study of the magnetic field effect on the microcharacteristics of polar liquid boiling ... 209 Gupalo Yu. P., Polyanin A. D., Ryazantsev Yu. S., Sergeev Yu. A.: Macrokine- tics of the surface reactions in the flow of liquid or gas. Approximate method of calculating the mass transfer rate of reacting particles ... 214 Migun N. P.: The method of experimental determination of parameters cha- racterizing the microstructure of micropolar liquids ... 220 Zhuk V. I., Il'in S. A., Chubarov D. N.: Identification of heat and mass transfer constants using the unsteady-state regime measurements ... 225 Suvorov A, V., Rabinovich G. D.: The theory of thermodiffusion apparatus with transverse flows ... 231 Buglaeva L. D., Buryachenko V. F., Vernidub I. I., Timokhin E. M., Tishin A. P., Fedorov B. N., Shustov G. N.: Study of coagulation of the metal oxide melted par- ticles in the high-temperature gas flow under acoustic oscillation impact ... 239 Borodulya V. A., Teplitsky Yu. S., Livshits Yu. E.: To the two-phase theory of fluidization ... 245 Buyevich Yu. A., Tsyrulnikov I. M.: Effect of the initial distribution of a fluidi- zing medium on the large-scale motions in the homogeneous fluidized bed ... 251 Fedosov S. V., Lebedev V. Ya., Barulin E. P., Kiselnikov V. N.: The tempera- ture field of a spherical particle with quasi-stationary regime of drying in an inten- sive-action apparatus ... 260 Vinogradov Yu. K.: Thermal conductivity of mercury vapors ... 265 Savinykh B. V., Dyakonov V. G., Usmanov A. G.: Effect of the variable electric fields on the thermal conductivity of dielectric liquids ... 269 Litovsky E. Ya., Kaplan F. S., Klimovich A. V.: Heterogenous heat and mass transfer and effective thermal conductivity of pores in ceramic materials at arbit- rary Knudsen numbers ... 277 Orudzhaliev E. A.: Equilibrium sound velocity in the dissociating gas ... 282 Konev Yu. B., Kochetov I. V., Kurnosov A. K., Pevgov V. G., Demiyanov A. V.: Study of the characteristics of the gas discharge CO-laser with generation on the overtone. I. Steady-state regime ... 289 Dulnev G. N., Khankov S. I.: Thermal regime of the optical elements of the lighting system of the solid laser with natural cooling ... 295 Bubnov V. A.: Turbulent stress relaxation ... 302 Belov I. A., Kudryavtsev N. A.: Cross flow over two in-line circular cylinders ... 310 Bazylev B. N., Romanov G. S.: Numerical solution of the spectral radiation- gasdynamic problem on radiant cooling of a spherical plasma volume with regard for the unsteady-state conditions of radiation transfer ... 318 Kozlov L. F. and Ptukha Yu. A.: On some accurate solutions of unsteady-state equations for a viscous fluid under suction ... 328 Bulanyl P. F., Polyakov S. P., Rosenberg M. G.: Study and generalization of the current-voltage characteristics of the direct-action plasmatron ... 334 ABSTRACTS OF DEPOSITED PAPERS Yurin V. N.: Comparison of the efficiency of the working fluids of the gravi- tational heat pipes ... 339 Skakun S. G., Shestakov A. M., Telyakov V. P.: Experimental study of liquid drop evaporation into the vapor-gas mixture ... 340 Kolesnichenko V. I.: Numerical study of the kinetics of substance condensation from the gas phase into the solid one ... 340 Didenko N. K., Pinchuk S. D.: On CO2-laser beam variation of a medium tem- perature with evaporation of aqueous aerosol ... 341 Lyashkov V. I., Cherepennikov I. A., Skripko L. A.: Study of thermophysical properties of product C-789 ... 342 Grigoriev B. A., Kurumov D. S.: Experimental study of the P, v, T-dependence of n-hexane in the vapor phase ... 343 Vasiliadi A. V.: Use of the ultrasonic velocity data for study of the nearest order in some metal melts ... 344 Kallas Vu. I., Viiroya A. K., Siirde E. K.: Correction factor in calculations of the diffusional flows with multicomponent mass transfer ... 345 Grekov S. P.: Mass transfer to the wall with a sorbed mixture flowing in the cylindrical porous-surface channels ... 346 Khitrik V. L.: Calculation of the temperature state of the porous wall of the cylindrical tube ... 347 Shcheglov P. P.: On the coefficients of vapor permeability capillary-porous ma- terials (using wood boards) ... 348 Lisovsky A. F.: Study of liquid phase distribution over the sintered composite body volume ... 348 Fain A. M., Aminov M. M.: Non-linear problem of self-heating of granular massif ... 349 Khudyaev S. I., Stolin A. M., Vaganov D. A.: On the flow stability at the su- peranomaly of viscosity ... 350 Korobov V. I., Babenko V. V., Kozlov L. F.: Integral characteristics of the bo- undary layer on the elastic plates ... 351 Ivanyuk V. V., Lakusta K. V.: On the application of the hyperbolic heat con- duction equation for hollow symmetric bodies ... 352 CHRONICLE Bartman A. B.: Theoretical seminar on thermal physics to be held in Minsk 354 BOOK REVIEWS Heat and mass transfer bibliography ... 361 Number 3


Pron'ko V. G., Gorokhov V. V., Saverin V. N. An experimental study of the cri- tical density of a heat flux in open channels cooled with helium-II ... 389 Gorbachev S. P. To calculation of hydraulic characteristics of the helium two- phase circulation systems ... 396 Zhernovoi A. I., Ivanyuta Yu. F., Takhistova I. I. Experimental study of longi- tudinal mass transfer with Polyox solution flow in the circular tube ... 402 Sviridenkov A. A., Tret'yakov V. V., Yagodkin V. I. On the efficiency of mixing the' coaxial oppositely swirled flows ... 407 Vasiliev A. N., Golubev V. V. Forced convection heat transfer of a rotating cylinder ... 414 Volkov D. P. Permeability of porous materials ... 421 Galltseisky B. M., Ushakov A. N. On heat transfer in porous materials ... 428 Eroshenko V. M., Zaichik L. I., Rabovsky V. B. On the stability of liquid flow in a plane channel with uniform injection or suction through porous walls ... 436 Potemkin V. F. To the problem on molar heat and momentum transfer ... 441 Erenburg V. B., Pokrovsky V. N. Nonuniform shear flows of linear polymers ... 449 Borodulya V. A., Epanov Yu. G., Teplitsky Yu. S.. Kovensky V. I. Method of the complex determination of the effective coefficients of the horizontal mixing of coar- se particles and external heat transfer in the organized fluidized bed ... 457 Antonishin N. V., Geller M. A., Ivanyutenko V. I. Heat transfer in the "pseudoturbulent" bed of the dispersed material ... 465 Ivanyutenko V. I., Antonishin N. V., Nikitin V. S. The expansion and porosity of a nonuniform'fluidized bed ... 470 Berestova I. L., Murashko M. G., Olodovsky P. P. Nuclear magnetic resonance as applied for .study of the structure of dispersed media ... 476 Bel'skaya E. P., Postnikov V. M., Khusid B. M., Mel'nichenko V. V., Noviche- nok L. N. On thermal conductivity of filled polymer compositions ... 483 Grigoriev B. A., Ishkhanov A. M. Investigation of thermal conductivity of naph- thene hydrocarbons at high pressures ... 491 Mustafaev R. A., Ganiev D. K. Experimental study of the dynamic viscosity coefficient for binary mixtures of butyl alcohol and butyl aldehyde ... 500 Dorogush V. M., Rabinovich G. D. Use of the thermodiffusional columns with packing for determining the Soret coefficient of the mixture of benzene and carbon tetrachloride ... 503 Krylovich V. I. On the effect of shift of absorbed waves ... 507 Konev Yu. B., Kochetov I. V., Kurnosov A. K.. Pevgov V. G., Dem'yanov A. V. Investigation of the gas-discharge CO laser characteristics with overtone genera- tion. II. Simultaneous main frequency and first overtone generation in the pulse regime ... 514 Pozdeev G. A., Polyakov S. P. Investigation of transient heat transfer proces- ses in an air plasma jet ... 520 Azarova L. G., Bendik N. T., Blinkov E. L., Glukhov N. I. An analytical study of a longitudinal temperature profile arising with cooling of a cryogenic conduit ... 524 Vidin Yu. V. Calculation of the initial heating stage of a plate with variable properties ... 532 Sidorov V. S. Solution of the heat conduction problem with the boundary third- kind condition and the arbitrary coordinate- and time-dependent Biot number ... 536 Corban' I. A., Lipovtsev Yu. V. Heat transfer of a partially transparent plate under the regular second-kind regime conditions ... 541 ABSTRACTS OF DEPOSITED PAPERS Eliseev V. B., Ermilov A. N., Zhuchkov V. M., Ostapchuk S. N., Spiglazov A. N. On the accuracy of temperature stabilization in the gas-controlled heat pipes ... 547 Karneeva N. Yu., Zhulanov Yu. V., Belov S. V., Pavlikhin G. P., Krasovits- kaya K. A. Investigation of the fraction coefficients of overshooting by a laser aerosol spectrometer ... 548 Murga V. A. Forced small oscillations of an inviscid droplet ... 549 Sperkach V. S., Rudenko A. P.. Gorbachev G. F., Cholpan P. F. Acoustic relaxa- tion in some perfluoropolyesters ... 550 Semerak M. M., Lyantse A. T. The temperature field in a semispace caused by a moving heat source ... 550 Novikov I. A., Smirnov V. N. Three-dimensional potentials for the heat con- duction equation with memory ... 551 Gulabyants L. A., Livshits M. I. Plate heating by periodic pulse internal heat sources ... 552 Voitenko G. I. The effect of constructional-technological factors on the maxi- mum cooling coefficient of a thermopile ... 553 Pervov A. S. Some problems for steady-state heat conduction with the piece- constant flow at the boundary ... 554 Sedov V. T. Calculation of the thawing radius of the tube zone with hole cutt- ing in the frozen raws ... 555 Mironov Yu. V, Quadratic spline solution of the heat conduction problem for cylindrical fuel elements ... 556 REVIEW Barkan E. S. Critical parameters of pure substances. I. Hydrocarbons . . 557 PROMINENT SOVIET SCIENTISTS Abram Solomonovich Ginzburg (To the 70th birthday and 50th anniversary of his scientific-pedagogical activities) . . ........... 568 Number 4


Alifanov O. M., Kerov N. V.: Evaluation of external heat fluxes from the so- lution of a two-dimensional heat conduction problem ... 581 Artyukhin E. A.: Thermal conductivity reconstruction from the solution of a nonlinear inverse problem ... 587 Dulnev G. N., Muratova B. L., Novikov V. V.: Conductivity of multicompo- nent heterogeneous systems ... 593 Volkov D. P., Zarichnyak Yu. P.: Modeling of the structure and calculation of the thermal conductivity of polydispersed granular systems ... 601 Osipova V. A., Kyaar Kh. A.: Thermal conductivity calculation for the hetero- geneous random-structure materials ... 607 Mustafaev R. A., Ganiev D. K.: Experimental study of the density and visco- sity of four-component liquid systems ... 617 Shangareev K. R.: Thermal nonstationarity effect of the turbulent flow struc- ture ... 621 Netyukhailo A. P.: Closing of turbulent transverse-shear flow equations ... 685 Epikhin V. E., Kulago A. E., Shkadov V. Ya.: Convection and thermal radia- tion effects on cooling a vertically incident melt jet ... 635 Shulman Z. P., Korobko V. L, Shashmin V. K.: Heat and mass transfer in a submerged nonsimilar jet ... 645 Atanov Yu. A., Berdenikov A. I.: Viscous flow of liquid glycerin-ipolyethy- leneglycol-water mixtures ... 651 Lurie M. V., Maksimov V. M., Filinov M., V.: The study of different cases of interdisplacement of inmixible liquids in porous media ... 656 Belov I. A., Kudryavtsev N. A.: Numerical study of a transverse flow around a staggered-tube packet ... 663 Nazmeev Yu. G.: Convective heat transfer enhancement with a local swirling of an anomalous-viscous fluid flow with a twistedtaipe swirlers ... 669 Dorfman A. L., Maev V. A.: Numerical study of the interaction of oppositely swirled isothermal flows in an annular channel ... 674 Borodulya V. A., Buyevich Yu. A., Dikalenko V. L: Motion and mass transfer of bubbles in a fluidized bed ... 678 Dolgov V. N., Baskakov A. P., Goldobin Yu. M.: Investigation of convective heat transfer to dust-collecting cyclone walls ... 690 Beresnev S. A., Chernyak V. G., Lokshina L. Ya.: Photoforetic motion of fine volatile iparticles in a molecular gas ... 696 Seleznev V. D.: Measurement of kinetics coefficients of isothermal gaseus mixture motion in channels with arbitrary rarefaction ... 702 Narkhodzhaev R. K., Kasparov E. R.: Hydrodynamic characteristics of a pla- ne-flame injection burner with a vortex injector ... 708 Polyakov S. P., Neklesa A. T.: Automation of measuring heat fluxes with a calorimetric probe ... 712 Pashaev B. P., Palchaev D. K.: On the relationship between electric resistivity and thermal expansion coefficient of metals ... 717 Petrov A. S., Lishansky B, A.: Rafales-Lamarka E. E.: Gas component diffu- sion in two-'phase systems affected by vibrations ... 720 Brychkov Yu. A.. Prudnikov A. P.: On some operative calculus formulas ... 727 ABSTPACTS OF DEPOSITED PAPERS Babenko S. M., Lazarev P. P.,Pleshanov A. S.: Linearized analysis of a stea- dy-state two-dimensional gas flow through a heat releasing medium in the Bous- sinesq approximation ... 730 Beder L. M., Heiso V. A., Heiso I. V.: Viscosity anomaly effect of the shaipe factor for liquid flows in rectangular channels ... 730 Kolesnikova N. A., Minaev G. A.: Gas flow distribution in a stationary or fluidized bed near an orifice in the apparatus wall ... 731 Yalamov Yu. I., Tatevosyan A. M., Afanasiev A. M.: Theory of thermoforesis of a moderately large two-layer spherical liquid nonvolatile particle ... 732 Boguslavsky E. A.: Dynamics of filling a liquid gas accumulator with a granular packing ... 733 Tsvetkov N. A., Soloviyov S. V., Lyalikov A. S.: Radiation-convection heat transfer with enameling of round wire ... 734 Arseniev S. I., Vysotsky V. I., Sannikov V. A.: On the choice of a space-time discretization in the calculation of thermal conductivity by the finite-element method ... 735 Bybliv 0. Ya., Lenyuk M. P.: Generalized unsteady temperature fields in or- thotropic semi-infinite wedge-like bodies ... 735 Lenyuk M. P.: Unsteady temperature fields in plane rectangular areas ... 737 BOOK REVIEWS Smolsky B. M.: Review of the book "Heat Transfer of a Cylinder in a Transverse Liquid Flow" by A. Zhukauskas and I. Zhyugzhda ... 739 Shulman Z. P.: Review of the book "Heat and Mass Transfer in a Magnetic Fields" by E.,Ya. Blum, Yu. A. Mikhailov and R. Ya. Ozols ... 741 Contents list of the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 23, N 10, 1980 ... 743 Heat and Mass Transfer Bibliography ... 745 Number 5


Ganchev B. G. and Bokov A. E.: A study of the hot vertical surface wetting with a falling liquid film ... 773 Ananikyan L. P.: Heat transfer of multivoid slabs heated with air ... 781 Lukachev S. V.: Unsteady-state gas flow modes in vortex Rank pipes ... 784 Eroshenko V. M., Ershov A. V. and Zaichik L. I.: Turbulent liquid flow in a round tube with uniform blowing through porous walls ... 791 Sosinovich V. A.: An equation for a structural function of a turbulent steady- state isotropic velocity field and its solution within an inertial scale interval ... 796 Stupin A. B. and Aslanov P. V.: A turbulent flow structure with the additives i educing friction ... 809 Popov S. K. and Troyankin Yu. V.: The rheological properties of the visco- plastic smelt-solid particle system provided the presence of a smelting chamber ... 815 Kireiko G. V. and Pilipenko V. N.: On the slab resistance in a homogeneous dilute polymer solution flow ... 819 Aberspah H.: Finite elements as applied for non-Newtonian fluid flow calcu- lations ... 827 Vasanova L. K., Safronov A. I. and Yasnikov G. P.: Temperature fluctuations in a disperse fluid ... 837 Rekin A. D.: The hydraulic resistance with separation of the liquid flow into two parallel channels with an arbitrary discharge ratio ... 842 Grekov S. P., Kalyussky A. E., Rodimova N. A. and Pyasetsky B. P.: A solution to the equation on substance diffusion in a spherical grain with an arbitrary func- tion of the adsorbate concentration variation ... 848 Gamayunov N. I. and Tvardovsky A. V.: Sorption theory as applied to hydro- philic swelling materials ... 854 Dulnev G. N., Kruglikov V. K. and Sakhova E. V.: Mathematical modeling of heterogeneous isotropic systems ... 859 Mamedov A. M.: Description of different properties of liquids by identical formulae ... 865 Pavlov P. A.: Vapour bubble growth in a highly superheated liquid ... 869 Cheltsova V. D. and Shakhmatova I. P.: Cowing of the plane layer of the ab- sorbed grey medium with simultaneous heat conduction and radiation heat transfer ... 874 Bystrov P. I., Mikhailov V. S. and Khristyan E. V.: Thermal and hydraulic cha- racteristics of refrigerators-radiators ... 880 Kuznetsov N. M., Popov V. M. and Khodyko Yu. V.: Radiation structure of the relaxation zone of the shock wave in two-phase rarefied media ... 888 Grigin A. P., Ilyin B. I., Petkin N. V.: Unsteady-state convective diffusion in a thin spherical layer ... 897 Gamayunov N. I., Klinger A. V.: Temperature field of a plate with an inter- nal heat source depending on temperature ... 901 Alifanov 0. M., Artyukhin E. A., Loginov S. N. and Malozemov V. V.: To so- lution of the inverse heat conduction problem using the dynamic filtration method ... 906 Kalinovsky Yu. V.: An approximate solution to linear heat conduction equa- tions in heterogeneous media ... 912 Sayakhov F. L., Smirnov G. P., Fatykhov M. A.: Some heat conduction problems with electromagnetic and acoustic effect on dielectrics ... 916 ABSTRACTS OF DEPOSITED PAPERS Geshele V. D., Egorov V. N., Ikryannikov N. P., Kovalev S. A., Narusbek E. A. and Skripak V. N.: Cooling of metallic surfaces ... 922 Khainer S. P.: On the estimate of the heterogeneous system heat conduction ... 922 Chistyakov Yu. A.: Taws of radiometric effect within a wide Knudsen number variation range ... 923 Shchukin E. R. and Kostitsyna L. I.: On the effect of the non-uniform trans- verse temperature distribution on the gas flow in a flat-parallel channel ... 925 Babenko Yu. I. and Ryleev G. I.: Gas cushion dissolution with compression ... 926 Belyakov V. A.: Reduction of the equations of the transient one-dimensional temperature field and heat flow density of a multi-layer plate to an algorithmic form ... 927 Belyakov V. A.: Approximate parametric equations of the transient one-dimen- sional temperature field of a multi-layer plate ... 927 Belyakov V. A.: A method of the approximate calculation of contact thermal resistance of a multi-layer plate ... 928 Volosov K. A.: Temperature walls in moving media ... 929 Serebro V. S. and Serebro B. V.: The peculiarities of hardening of different- configuration bodies with supercooling ... 929 Rappoport Yu. M.: On the numerical solution of some mixed boundary-value problems for the Helmholtz equation ... 930 Levshakov A. M.: Transfer processes in gas suspension flows with capillary- porous inclusions ... 931 PROMINENT SOVIET SCIENTISTS Engvan Insugovich Kirn (to the 70-th birthday and 45th anniversary of his scientific-pedagogical activity) ... 933 CRITICS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Martynenko M. D.: Kolyano Yu. M., Semerak M. M. and Yavorskaya 0. Ya. Thermomechanics. Bibliography on Soviet and foreign literature for the period from 1965 to 1976 in two parts ... 935 Books on heat and Mass Transfer ... 935 Number 6


Maiorov V. A., Vasiliev L. L.: Structure of the evaporating flow inside the hea- ted porous material ... 965 Kapinos V. M., Slitenko A. F., Tarasov A. I.: Modified semiempirical turb'ulence model ... 970 Korstiin I. M.: On turbulent flow in the boundary layer on the delivery and suction sides of the rotating channel ... 977 Vatutin I. A., Kolovandin B. A., Martynenko O. G.: Radiation effect on the degeneration of the isotropic turbulence in high-temperature media ... 987 Yurchenko N. F.: To the method of an experimental study of the longitudinal vortex system in a boundary layer ... 996 Povkh I. L., Serdyuk A. I., Lvov V. G., Vashchun Z. M.: On relationship bet- ween reducing hydrodynamic resistance and physico-chemical properties of aqueous metaupon solution ... 1003 Nazarov A. S., Dilman V. V., Sergeev S. P.: Flow distribution in perforated channels with the porous face end ... 1009 Sattarov R. M.: Diagnostics of rheological properties of visco-elastic-plastic media moving in tubes ... 1016 Shapovalov V. M., Tyabin N. V.: Rheodynamics of the elongation flow of a flat polymer jet with film elongation ... 1027 Buchatsky L. M., Manelis G. B., Stolin A. M., Khudyaev S. I.: To the theory of a process of structural conversions in flowing systems ... 1032 Mankevich V. N.: On bubble motion under the action of gradient of surface active substance ... 1040 Markov M. G., Shchukin E. R., Yalamov Yu. I.: On motion of small aerosol par- ticles containing heat sources nonuniformly distributed over the volume in poly- atomic gases ... 1045 Karpovich I. N., Churaev N. V., Panchenko M. S.: Effect of a corona discharge field on liquids evaporated from capillaries ... 1049 Buyevich Yu. A.: Collective effects in a concentrated system of large bubbles . 1057 Tamarin A. I.: Mass transfer in the fluidized bed between a gas and particles ... 1067 Orlova M. P., Korolev Ya. A., Bychkova M. I., Ponomareva T. 0., Giller I. D.: Measurement of heat capacity of Nb3Ge ... 1073 Nikitin P. V., Pirogov A. E.: Determination of polymer decomposition characte- ristics using the semi-infinite body method ... 1078 Adzerikho K. S., Podluzhnyak N. V., Khodyko Yu. V.: New method of solution of the problems of the radiation transfer theory. I. General solution. Semi-infinite layer ... 1083 Volkov V. V., Lisienko V. G. and Goncharov A. L.: An algorithm of zonal solu- tion of radiative-conductive heat transfer problems ... 1094 Smirnova N. N.: The method of calculation of the temperature field of lamina- ted heterogeneous strata ... 1103 SamoiTovich Yu. A., Yasnitsky L. N.: Conjugated problem on heat transfer, hydrodynamics and solidification of a melt ... 1109 Matsevityi Yu. M.: On one approach to solution of inverse heat conduction problems ... 1119 ABSTRACTS OF DEPOSITED PAPERS Ivanov S. A., Kirienko S. V., Kuzmin E. V., Nazarov I. A.: Calculation of a tem- perature field of a rotating hollow cylinder bombarded by a high energy electron beam ... 1124 Val L. I.: To calculation of radiative heat transfer in closed systems of diffe- rent-length co-axial cylinders ... 1125 Gusev V. E: On one possibility of the analytical description of free convection with gas absorbing pulse radiation ... 1126 Prokhorov V. I., Shilkloper S. M.: Principles of determination of exergy of the humid air flow ... 1126 Froishteter G. B., Mamchenko S. D., Begoulev P. B.: Laminar flow of a viscous fluid between rotating co-axial cylinders with radial sections ... 1127 Nazmeev Yu. G., Mumladze A. I., Maminov O. V.: Flow of an anomalous -viscous fluid in the screw channel ... 1129 Stolyarov V. F., Prokofiev V. L., Konovalov N. M., Nikisha V. V., Kapitono- va V. N., Zaritsky G. V.: On a possible use of the fluorescence roentgen radiometric method for continuous control of gold content in electrolytic bathes ... 1130 Korobeinikov S. M.: Effect of an electric field on liquid boiling point ... 1131 Akselrud G. A., Dubynin A. I., Duda B. I.: Study of kinetics of mass transfer with gas evolution under internal problem conditions ... 1132 Kolesnichenko V. I.: To the mathematical model for evaporation of a group of substances from a porous body ... 1132 Soloviev S. V.: Thermal calculation of enamel furnaces ... 1133 Arlyuk B. I.: Analysis of heat and mass transfer in chain screens of rotating furnaces ... 1134 Ziobin V. V.: On heat transfer of material falling down from the blades of ro- tary dryer ... 1134 Cheltsova V. D., Shakhmatova I. P.: Unsteady radiative-conductive heat trans- fer in the-grey absorbing variable-thickness layer being in contact with the opa- que one ... 1135 BOOK REVIEW Prusov I. A., Martynenko M. D.: Podstrigach Ya. S., Shvets R. N. Thermo- elasticity of Thin Shells Izd. ... 1137 READER'S GUIDE Contents List of the Journal of Engineering Physics, vol. 41, 1981 ... 1139