Volume 39

Volume 39, Number 1, July, 1980
Volume 39, Number 2, August, 1980
Volume 39, Number 3, September, 1980
Volume 39, Number 4, October, 1980
Volume 39, Number 5, November, 1980
Volume 39, Number 6, December, 1980

Number 1


Tikhonov A. N., Kulik N. I., Shklyarov I. N. and Glasko V. B.: On the results of mathematical simulation of one heat conduction process ... 5 Prozorov E. N.: Kinetics of liquid removal from capillary-porous bodies in a fluidized bed under non-isothermal conditions ... 11 Livshits Yu. E. and Tamarin A. I.: Experimental investigation of solid phase velocity fluctuations in a fluidized bed ... 19 Slobodkin L. S., Pshenichnaya G. P. and Barskaya M. N.: Correlation of ener- gy supply parameters with physical and chemical characteristics of polymer com- positions with drying and thermal treatment ... 26 Mamedov A. M.: Tate isotherm approximation of the water transport proper- ties and sound velocity ... 34 Potemkin V. F.: To the turbulent boundary layer problem ... 39 Dymenko S. K. and Kuchkin V. N.: On the hydrodynamic effect on accelerated one-dimensional motion of variable-volume gas bubbles in an infinite liquid ... 47 Nafikov I. M. and Zinnatullin N. Kh.: An anomalous-viscous liquid film discon- tinuity in a centrifugal field ... 51 Glinkin A. D. and Rukavishnikov V. A.: Lamellar flow of viscous incompressib- le fluid along the surface of bodies of revolution ... 57 Bondaienko N. F., Gak E. Z., Gulkov A. N. and Zaslavsky Yu. A.: On variation of hydrophysical and hydrochemical characteristics of natural waters with magne- fohydrodynamic activation ... 61 Tikhomolova K. P. and Shishkanova L. A.: On the laws of electrokinetic flow across capillary-porous bodies with a microinhomogeneous surface ... 70 Kosterin A. V.: On the non-equilibrium filtration equation ... 77 Potanin E. P.: On the equation for component transfer in a column with lon- gitudinal separation ... 81 Suvorov A. V. and Rabinovicn G. D.: The transient process in a thermodiffu- sive apparatus with transverse flows ... 86 Danielyan Yu. S. and Yanitsky P. A.: On the interphase surface stability with free-ting of moist grounds ... 96 Trofimov V. P. and Adzerikho K. S.: Thermal efficiency determination for the surfaces confining the plane layer of nonisothermal nonscattering medium ... 102 Popov Yu. A., Melman M. M., Nevsky A. S.: On optimal distribution of nongray gas temperature with radiative heat transfer ... 109 Kiselev S. B.: Calculation of the effective absorption coefficient for radiant heat fluxes in the cavity with diffuse wall reflection ... 113 Zavgorodny P. F.: Some specific features of thermo-concentrational convective flow in a hardening binary melt and impurity distribution ... 118 Dulnev G. N. and Sigafov A. V.: Inhomogeneous system thermal diffusivity ... 126 Evstifeev V. H. and Evstifeeva L. S.: Estimation of the parameters for artifi- cial building conglomerates using criterial equations ... 134 Borishansky V. M., Gotovsky M. A., Mizonov N. V. and Fromzel V. N. The method of finite depth of penetration for calculating plane-plate heating with a radiant heat flux ... 138 Babenko Yu. I.: Unsteady-state heat transfer into a semi-infinite region with a nonlinear law of heat absorption ... 143 Bashmakov V. I. and Chikova T. S.: Twinning of bismuth crystals during ther- mal cycling ... 148 DEPOSITED PAPERS Yalamov Yu. I., Sidorov A. I., Silin N. A., Shchukin E. R. and Barinova M. P.: On diffusion evaporation of two interacting drops under the internal heat sources action ... 150 Efimov V. V., Seleznev Yu. S. and Sen L. I.: On application of the computatio- nal-impulse method for dispersed flows ... 151 Neusikhin I. Ya.: Experimental study of heat transfer in loose building ma- terials ... 152 Rusin S. P.: A simple method of calculating effective emission in non-isother- mal cavities and chambers by optical-geometrical functions ... 154 Muliakhmetov R. Kh.: To calculation of local angle coefficients of plane bodies with their contours formed by a piecewise-linear function ... 155 Gavrilov S. N., Medvedev N. N., Romanov D. F. and Savicheva Z. M. Deter- mination of intrinsic thermal conductivity of fibers and effective thermophysical characteristics of textile materials ... 155 Malfcovsky V. I. and Mluratova T. M.: The effect of electrical field on the flow and heat transfer of a dielectric fluid in a finite circular channel ... 157 Shermergor T. D., Zakirov R. M. and Biryulin 1. A.: The heat transfer effect on critical current hysteresis in wide superconducting films ... 157 Selitsky F. I. and Chernyshov G. N.: Temperature field determination in thin shells ... 153 Osadchuk V. A.: Heat conduction problem for the shells with cuts ... 159 Tamurov N. G. and Odinets V. F.: Investigation of variable-profile disk ther- mal conductivity by confluent hypergeometric functions ... 160 Gendler S. G. and Pavlov I. A.: On one method of solution of heat transfer problems in a heterogeneous medium ... 161 Koprinsky S. Ts.: On one heat conduction problem ... 161 Kenis M. S. and Trakhtenberg B. F.: Temperature field determination of con- tacting periodically interacting plane objects with allowance for volume and surfa- ce heat generation sources ... 163 CHRONICLE Sergeev 0. A., Chistyakov Yu. A.: 5th All-Union School on Thermophysics ... 165 Konev E. V., Agababov S. G.: At the Scientific Council on the Problem "Mass and Heat Transfer in Technological Processes" of the USSR State Committee on Science and Technology ... 166 READER'S GUIDE Kolpashchikov V. L., Martynenko O. G., Shul'man Z. P.: On the monograph by E. M. Kartashov "Analytical Methods for Thermal Conductivity of Solids" (Vysshaya Shkola Pubi., Moscow, 1979) ... 169 Heat and Mass Transfer Bibliography ... 170 Number 2


Mishin V. P.: On automation of thermophysical investigations ... 197 Pankratov B. M.: Some problems of thermal regimes for spacecrafts and other complex systems ... 199 Ivanov A. A.: Some problems of automation of designing heat protection sys- tems for spacecrafts ... 204 Alifanov 0. M.: Some problems of solution of inverse heat conduction prob- lems and automated processing of data in thermophysical investigations ... 211 Kerov N. V. and Pankratov B. M.: Automation of primary processing of ther- mal data ... 220 Budnik S. A.: On planning thermal measurements ... 225 Khokhulin V. S.: Thermal models in thermal design problems ... 231 Romanovsky M. R.: On conceptual algorithms of experimental data analysis ... 236 Bespalov A. M., Gorshkov M. I., Karasov Yu. S., Maiorov A. I., Mukhin B. A. and Tskhay N. S.: On the method of processing graphite calorimeter readings ... 242 Bespalov A. M., Zhdanov V. V., Maiorov A. I. and Pleshakova L. A.: Applica- tion of smoothing splines in thermal experiment ... 246 Grudinin M. M., Dvernyakov V. S., Isaev K. B. and Pasichny V. V.: System of automated studies of the behavior of materials under one-side heating ... 250 Alifanov O. M. and Rumyantsev S. V.: Regularizing gradient algorithms for solution of inverse heat conduction problems ... 253 Artyukhin E. A. and Rumyantsev S. V.: Gradient method of smooth solutions to inverse boundary-value heat conduction problems ... 259 Artyukhin E. A. and Rumyantsev S. V.: On optimum choice of descent steps in gradient methods of solving inverse heat conduction problems ... 264 Voskoboinikov Yu. E.: Regularizing transformation algorithm for the Abel equation ... 270 Matsevity Yu. M.: Hybrid modelling of direct and inverse heat conduction problems ... 275 Nikitenko N. I.: Method of temperature field calculation by deformation mea- surements ... 281 Mikhailov V. V.: Optimization of multilayer heat insulation ... 286 Pavlov A. R., Permyakov P. P. and Stepanov A. V.: Estimation of thermophy- sical properties of freezing-melting dispersed media by solving inverse heat conduction problems ... 292 Dulnev G. N., Pilipenko N. V and Kuzmin V. A.: On the inertia of measure- ments with "auxiliary wall" heat meters ... 298 Sergeev 0. A.: On the accuracy of temperature measurements with thermal conductivity determination by steady-state methods within the mean temperature range ... 306 Mamedov A. M.: On correlation between thermal conductivity, sound velocity and isobaric heat of liquids ... 311 Urbanovich L. I., Goryainov V. A., Sevostiyanov V. V., Boev Yu. G., Niskov- skikh V. M., Grachev A. V., Sevostiyanov A. V. and Guriev V. S.: Heat transfer involving water nozzle cooling of highly hot metal surfaces ... 315 Borodulya V. A., Buevich Yu. A. and Dikalenko V. I.: Gas exchange of a single bubble in a granular bed at minimum fluidization ... 323 Yasnikov G. P., Galperin L. G. and Kutyavin Z. N.: Hyperbolic diffusion equation for relaxing and dispersed medium ... 334 Spirin G. G.: On water thermal conductivity in the vicinity of 40C ... 339 Prokunin A. N. and Sevruk V. D.: On swelling effect in the extraction of elas- tic liquid from a capillary ... 343 ABSTRACTS OF DEPOSITED PAPERS Ovsyannikov M.. P.: Hypersonic flow around conic bodies with intensive injection ... 351 Semenov A. G.: Generalized similarity method in the problems of free con- vective heat transfer ... 352 Bogaenko 1. N. and Boichuk M. V.: To the calculation of potential fields in heat and mass transfer pi-oblems with variable kinetic coefficients ... 353 Myshkin N. K. ano Meshkov V. V.: On contact conductivity of pressed powder systems ... 353 Velichko V. N.: On a new device for liquid dispersing in gases ... 354 Kolesnikov A. V.: Effective radiation indicatrix tor diffuse cone surface irra- diated with a parallel radiation flux ... 355 Kolesnikov A. V.: Radiative properties of a directed-radiation panel shielded with a cool black screen ... 356 Kolesnikov A. V.: Uncertainties in simulating the field of thermal radiation of planets ... 356 Zhuravlev Yu. A.: Method of calculating local heat transfer characteristics in high-temperature aggregates ... 357 Baloban V. I., Guseva V. N., Korolev S. I. and Lempert E. Yu.: Method of heat transfer equation reduction in thermal design problems ... 358 Sverdlov A. A. and Valeeva A. I.: Numerical method and algorithm for so- lution of the problem on an unsteady-state incompressible liquid flow along a duct with allowance for heat transfer with the ground ... 359 Karchevsky M. M. and Farukshin A. Kh.: To the calculation of unsteady-state thermal conditions for a multiglass illuminator ... 360 Kanya Ya. N. and Nikiforov V. A.: Estimation of a steady-state temperature field in a multilayer guard design with cylindrical heat sources ... 361 Shnaid I. M.: Irreversibility of processes in nonequilibrium systems with vector fields of thermodynamic forces and flows ... 361 BOOK REVIEW Borodulya V. A. and Stepanchuk V. F.: On the book "Nonequilibrium and un- steady processes in gasdynamics of single-and two-phase media" by G. A. Salta- nov, Izd. Nauka, Moscow, 1979 ... 363 Kolykhan L. I. and Devoino A. N.: On the book "Heat transfer with jet im- pengiment onto the walls" by V. K. Savin, Izd. Mashinostroyeniye, Moscow, 1977 ... 364 CHRONICLE Tyukaev V. 1.: The VII All-Union Conference on Thermal Analysis ... 366 READER'S GUIDE Contents List of the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 22, N 9, 10, 11, 12, 1979, vol. 23, N 1, 2, 1980 ... 367 Number 3


Scientific activity of A. V. Luikov, Academician of the BSSR Academy of Sciences ... 389 Kafarov V. V., Dorokhov I. N.: System analysis of heat and mass transfer pro- cesses ... 396 Shashkov A. G.: Identification of thermophysical properties of substances ... 416 Margilevsky A. E., Chernyak V. G., Suetin P. E.: Spherical source-to-rarefied gas heat transfer ... 428 Kalinin V. V., Kalinin E. V., Suetin P. E.: Free molecular gas motion in a fini- te-length channel at sufficiently general boundary conditions ... 435 Kurilenko A. A., Dymenko S. K., Kochelaev Yu. S.: Phase slip and heat trans- fer to cryogenic liquid with film boiling under plug-flow conditions ... 442 Vasiliev L. L., Abramenko A. N., Kanonchik L. E.: Heat transfer with liquid evaporation and boiling jn evaporator slits. ... 449 Novikov P. A., Malenko G. L.: Convective heat transfer on a plane surface with normal air jet efflux through a perforated wall at low Re ... 458 Eroshenko V. M., Zaichik L. I., Zorin I. B.: Calculation of resistance and heat transfer in a laminar flow of incompressible liquid with variable physical proper- lies in a porous tube for a quasi-stationary flow region ... 462 Daragan V. D., Kotov A. Yu., Mel'nikov G. N. and Pustogarov A. V.: Effective transpiration cooling ... 468 Glazunov Yu. T.: The Hamiltonian-type variational principle of nonlinear com- bined transfer phenomena ... 475 Zakharov N. S., Korobeinikov V. P.: The problem on a piston in a relaxing gas ... 482 Achasov O. V., Blaga Ya., Fomin N. A.: Heat losses in a gasdynamic shock- tube laser plenum chamber ... 486 Volchenok V. F., Stiulman Z. P.: Radiation heat transfer in a rheologically complex fluid flow ... 491 Buevich Yu. A., Perminov E. B.: Two-phase heat transfer in a one-dimensional channel ... 498 Ganzha V. L., Zhuravsky G. I.: Calculation of unsteady-state filtration of satu- rated water vapor in a dispersed medium ... 507 Dezhkunov N. V., Prokhorenko P. P.: Dependence of the ultrasonic effect on liquid lift in a capillary on liquid properties ... 513 Dul'nev G. N., Guriev Yu. L., Suslov S. G.: Temperature field of the active element of a solid laser with a liquid cooling system ... 520 Rvachev V. L., Slesarenko A. N., Sizova N. D.: Temperature field in a cylindri- cal block of an axial piston pump ... 527 Soloviev I. A.: Solution of the thermal problem on evaporation of cone-shaped bodies under powerful radiation fluxes ... 532 ABSTRACTS OF DEPOSITED PAPERS Yalamov Yu. I., Redchits V. P., Gaidukov M. N.: On thermophoresis of a non- spherical aerosol particle in a free-molecular regime ... 538 Yalamov Yu. I., Redchits V. P., Gaidukov M. N.: On thermophoresis of an ellip- soidal aerosol particle in a hydrodynamic regime ... 539 Taushkanov G. P.: Polydispersed solid phase mass transfer in a swirled gas- suspension flow ... 540 Zhvaniya I. A., Maksimov M. Z.: On energy characteristics of thermoelements ... 541 Topunov G. A., Milevsky S. Ya., Zhuravlev Yu. N.: Calculation of thermal bridge cooling by cryogenic vapors ... 541 Semerak F. V., Semerak M. M.: The heat conduction problem for an infinite plate with a foreign square insertion ... 542 Belousova L. E.: Temperature distribution in a hollow cylinder with periodic bulk heat release ... 543 Lenyuk M. P., Semenyuk V. V.: Total temperature fields in the space with a spherical cavity ... 545 SURVEY Sergeev O. A.: Metrology of thermal quantities ... 547 READER'S GUIDE Heat Transfer Bibliography ... 554 Number 4


Ganchev B. G. and Bokov A. E.: Study of the thermocapillary stability under gravitational flow of a liquid film ... 581 Sobin V. M.: Heat transfer in the falling-down liquid film at the thermal star- ting length ... 592 Borovkov V. P.: Improvement of the method for calculating heat transfer with fixed vapour condensation on the horizontal finned tubes ... 597 Opanasenko A. N., Selivanov V. M. and Shangin N. N.: Effect of unsteady natural convection on the structure of a liquid flow in the horizontal mixing chamber ... 603 Bubnov V. A., Gabdullin I. Z. and Soloviev A. A.: Swirled flow structure ... 611 Gorodtsov V. A.: Intrinsic wave radiation in vertical body motion through a nonuniform liquid ... 619 Feklistov V. N.: Calculation of hydraulic resistance of foam tube flows ... 624 Gorbachev S. P., Krikunov A. A. and Goncharuk O. A.: On cooling time of a cryogenic substance by a cryogenic agent ... 629 Ziganshin R. R., Ismagilov R. Kh., Minushev M. A.: Turbulence effect on glow- discharge characteristics ... 636 Katlinsky V. M., Kotlik L. L., Egorova V. M. and Viktorova A. M.: Hydrogen diffusion in hafnium and titanium ... 643 Vasiliev A. P.: Experimental study of electrical conductivity of a two-phase flow ... 649 Mustafaev R. A. and Musaev T. P.: Thermal conductivity of liquid propionates at high temperatures and pressures ... 654 Guseinov K. D. and Klimova T. F.: Thermal conductivity of amyl- and iso- amylpropionates ... 658 Chashkin Yu. R., Kovryanov A. N. and Rabinovich V. A.: Correlation of the experimental data on the heat capacity of synthetic corundum over a temperature range 80-300 K ... 664 Dzhavadov L. N. and Krotov Yu. I.: Thermal expansion coefficient for teflon at high pressure ... 671 Lifshits Yu. F.: Experimental study of lump cohesive loose materials as applied to find outlet bunker hole sizes ... 674 Pozin L. S.: Variational approach to the analysis of a distributor grid on flui- dization quality ... 681 Bulany P. F. and Polyakov S. P.: Optimization of metal heating with an elec- tric arc ... 687 Zhdanovskaya I. V., Shklyar F. R., Bokovikova A. Kh. and Malkin V. M.: Heat transfer at different modes of heat carrier supply for a furnace ... 692 Baloban V. I., Guseva V. N., Korolev S. I. and Shkvartsov V. V.: Frequency methods for investigating unsteady-state regimes of heat engineering systems ... 699 Belyakov V. A. and Togatov V. V.: Evaluation of the effect of thermal resistan- ce of interconnection in temperature-limited power transistor switch on dissipated power distribution between transistors ... 704 Dubovik A. V.: Heating of a non-Newtonian fluid when extruded through a matrix ... 710 Smirnov V. N.: Equations for generalized thermoelasticity of Cosser's medium ... 716 Sokovishin Yu. A. and Semenov A. G.: Kochin-Loitsiansky method in free con- vection problems ... 724 Granik I. S. and Martinson L. K.: Thermal wave front motion in the nonlinear medium with absorption ... 72S Migun N. P.: BKB-method as applied to study convective heat transfer in mic- ropolar liquid ... 732 Rivkind V. Ya. and Sigovtsev G. S.: Evaporation of a moving drop under dif- fusion conditions ... 739 Vorobieva L. S. and Zhevlakov G. N.: Mathematical modelling of unsteady heat conduction process ... 745 ABSTRACTS OF DEPOSITED PAPERS Vaaz S. L.: Use of heat pipes for ground freezing. II ... 748 Koptsev A. V., Vasko V. B., Nikulshin R. K. and Petriman E, F.: Calculation of a medium temperature in the closed volume with account of two-dimensionality of the heat flux through a low-temperature envelope ... 748 Fedoseev V. F.: Some problems on granule formation in cryogenic liquids ... 750 Shvets R. N. and Eleiko V. I.: Stressed state of a rough plate under convective heat transfer conditions ... 751 Fatykhov M. A., Smirnov G. P. and Sayakhov F. L.: Solution of some heat con- duction problems appearing with simultaneous thermal and acoustic effect on pet- roleum plasts ... 752 Kazantsev Yu. I. and Yarunin V. S.: Surface heat transfer in the radial liquid flow ... 753 Litovsky M. A. and Malkovich R. Sh.: Analysis of a temperature profile in the case of temperature-dependent thermophysical properties ... 753 Boichuk M. V.: On one approach of constructing coordinate functions for non- classical regions ... 751 Nyashin Yu. I.: Study of temperature fields during rolling ... 754 Kolesnichenko V. I.: Numerical studies of heat conduction through a multi- layer cylindrical wall ... 755 Lakusta K. V.: Stressed state of two-layer elastic bodies ... 750 Faleev V. V., Mozgovoi N. V.: On steady-state filtration in a porous plate ... 757 Potapov V. I., Bugaev M. S.: Vacuum arc remelt heat transfer dynamics model- ling on a digital computer ... 758 Vasiliev B. A.: Analytical solution of a two-dimensional steady-state heat con- duction problem under the third-kind boundary condition for the regions limited by an analytical contour ... 758 Number 5


Dzubenko B. V.: Experimental determination of the coefficient of the structure of the jet flowing in an intertube space of a heat exchanger with the flow swirling ... 773 Glazkov V. V., Guseva M. D., Zhestkov B. A.: On propagation of turbulent ga- seous jets in a submerged space ... 779 Kuzov K., Melikov A.: On the structure of the submerged axisymmetric jet in its initial region ... 788 Melikov A., Kuzov K.: The relation between the averaged-time velocity and longitudinal turbulent velocity pulsation along the jet axis ... 794 Basovskaya A. A., Reisig V. A.: Study of heat transfer and hydraulic resistance in micronozzle grids ... 798 Filatkhin V. N., Pilip I. I.: Heat and mass transfer involving cooling of the air being in contact with a cooling medium ... 802 Fokin B. S., Akselrod A. F.: Calculation of the pressure pulsation intensity and gas content in an adiabatic two-phase flow ... 806 Uskov I. A., Uskova E. T., Belova N. M.: Reduction of hydiodynamic resistance and the size of polymer particles ... 815 Puris B. I., Shulman Z. P., Polessky E. P., Aerov V. E.: On the action of po- lymer additives ... 820 Vasiliev L. L., Abramenko A. N., Kanonchik L. E.: Heat transfer with liquid evaporation and boiling in evaporator grooves ... 826 Rifert V. G.: Heat transfer with vaporization in a film of liquid flowing along the vertical profiled surface ... 833 Balunov B. F., Smirnov E. L.: Critical heat loads in vertical tubes with the plugged lower end ... 838 Gorbachev S. P.: Hydraulic resistance with liquid flow involving boiling up in a partially heated channel ... 842 Shchukin V. K., Mosin I. I., Matveev Yu. V.: Choice of the heat transfer agent for heat pipes operating within a temperature range from 300 to 5000C ... 848 Vargaftik N. B., Vasilevskaya Yu. D.: Thermal conductivity of krypton and xenon at high temperatures up to 5000 K ... 852 Dulnev G. N., Sigalov A. V.: Thermal diffusivity of nonuniform systems. II Experimental determination of thermal diffusivity ... 859 Zarichnyak Yu. P.: Correlation of data by the porosity-dependent coordina- tion number for fillings, sintered or pressed grain materials ... 862 Kuvshinov G. I., Dezhkunov N. V., Kuvshinov V. I., Prokhorenko P. P.: On the rate of the nonspherical cavitation bubble collapse between two solid walls ... 866 Khvostov V. I., Marinichenko S. K.: On the stability of evaporation from a po- rous structure with liquid moving under capillary forces ... 870 Novikov P. A., Yalovets V. S.: Study of the permeability of moist porous mate- rials ... 877 Ryzhik V. M., Tulbovich B. [., Khizhnyak G. P.: "Tracing" method for determi- ning stagnant zones of a porous medium of rocks-collectors ... 882 Dzhandzhgava B. Sh., Kaminsky V. A., Sarishvili 0. G., Sulaberidze G. A., Chuzhinov V. A.: Modelling of mass transfer in a mass-diffusion separation element ... 887 Entov V. M., Odishariya M. G.: An asymptotic study of seepage flows for the power-law resistance ... 893 Kudryavtsev A. I., Sidorov E. A.: Temperature field of a plate with slot filtra- tion ... 901 Kalastinikova L. S.: Mass transfer with "memory" describing sorption processes ... 906 Pokhoriler V. L.: Solution of the heat conduction problem by discrete Z-trans- formation ... 909 Babenko Yu. I., Nikitina N. Ya.: The conjugated problem of mass transfer be- tween two semi-infinite regions with a second-kind chemical reaction ... 916 Shmukin A. A., Pavlyuk S. V., Lazuchenkov N. M.: Recovery of boundary con- ditions by temperature measurements at the points inside the system of two-layer plane bodies ... 920 Lakusta K. V., Lenyuk M. P.: Estimates of domains of applicability of the hy- perbolic heat conduction equation in solid symmetric homogeneous bodies ... 930 READER'S GUIDE Heat and Mass Transfer Bibliography ... 936 Number 6


Grafova V. V., Mikhailov N. Ya., Novikov I. I., Pokrasin M. A., Roshchupkin V. V., Chernov A. I.: Experimental study of the properties of alkali metals and alloys in the temperature range of 1000-1800 K ... 965 Shpilrain E. F., Kagan D. N., Fomin V. A., Kachalov V. V., Ulyanov S. N., Sokol G. F.: Comprehensive study of the thermophysical properties of liquid alkaliearth metals ... 972 Belyaev R. A., Volodin P. L., Vavilov Yu. V., Tumbakova M. I., Vasiliev V. A. and Zubkov V. I.: Thermal conductivity of beryllium oxide-based compounds at low temperatures ... 980 Vargaftik N. B., Volyak L. D., Anisimov V. M., Stepanov V. G., Kozhevnikov V. F., Chelebaev A. K.: Thermodynamic properties of cesium and potassium at high pressures and temperatures ... 986 Yargin V. S., Vanicheva N. A., Dolgov V. I.: Transfer coefficients for lithium in a gas phase ... 993 Shpilrain E. E., Polishchuk A. Ya.: Interaction potentials and collision integrals for the atoms of hydrogen and alkali metals ... 999 Mamedov K. K., Aldzhanov M. A., Mekhtiev M. I., Kerimov I. G.: Heat capacity of sulfide, selenide and telluride of thallium at low temperatures ... 1005 Novikov I. I., Kostyukov V. I.: Study of thermophysical properties of lanthani- des at high temperatures ... 1010 Novikov I. 1., Roshchupkin V. V., Semashko N. A., Fordeeva L. K.: Experimen- tal study of the vacancy effects in pure metals ... 1013 Shchekatolina S. A., Yakub L. N.: Thermodynamic properties of simple anhar- monic crystals ... 1018 Gurevich M. E., Larikov L. N., Nosar' A. I., Usov Yu. V.: Thermophysical pro- perties of iron nickel and alloys on their base in the range of phase conversions ... 1024 Pelelsky V. E.: Electron structure and peculiarities of the kinetic properties of paramagnetic nickel ... 1030 Dulnev G. N., Novikov V. V.: Thermoelectric properties of ultradispersed mate- rials ... 1035 Mal'ter V. L., Bol'shakova N. V., Andreev A. V.: Method and some results of the semi-empirical approach to thermal conductivity of composite materials ... 1039 Vasserman A. A., Kreizerova A. Ya., Litovchenko V. V.: Choice of the optimum amount of the initial data and the number of coefficients when constructing the equation for calculation of thermophysical properties of substances ... 1047 Vasiliev I. A., Treibsho E. I., Korkhov A. D., Petrov V. M., Orlova N. G., Bala- kina M. M.: Heat capacity of liquid organic compounds: experimental determina- tion and the method of the group approximation of its temperature dependence ... 1054 Tanaeva S. A., Domorod L. S., Evseeva L. E.: Peculiarities of heat transfer in carbo-and glass-fibre materials at low temperatures ... 1061 Popov Yu. I., Kotousov L. S.: Measurement of heat of mixing of moderately densed gases ... 1066 Ivanov A. I., Lyusternik V. E., Fokin L. R.: Analysis and agreement of new data on thermophysical properties of a mercury vapour ... 1070 Radovsky I. S., Trelin Yu. S., Zaitsev V. P.: Experimental study of dispersion of sound velocity in the moist vapour of carbon dioxide ... 1077 Alekhin A. D., Shimansky Yu. I.: Scale equation of state for Freon-113 near the interphase boundary ... 1084 Kanishchev B. E., Pitaevskaya L. L.: Sound velocity and density of binary mix- tures of helium and argon ... 1090 Amitin E. B., Kovalevskaya Yu. A., Paukov I. E., Sukhovei K. S.: Thermodyna- mic properties of halides of ammonium near the tricritical points ... 1095 Anisimov M. A., Mamnitsky V. M., Sorkin E. L.: Heat capacity anomaly near the phase transition of isotropic liquid-nematic liquid crystal ... 1100 ABSTRACTS OF DEPOSITED PAPERS Vityuk L. S., Golovsky E. A., Tabachnikov A. G.: Experimental study of thermal properties at pressures up to 60 MPa and polymer solution heat capacity at con- stant pressure in the temperature range of 223-323 K ... 1108 Bogacheva I. S., Zamaleev Z. Kh., Zemdikhanov K. B., Mukhamedzyanov G. Kh., Narbekov A. I., Sagdeev D. I., Sadykov A. Kh., Usmanov A. G., Khairullin I. Kh.: Thermophysical properties of polyglycols with a molecular mass up to 5000 ... 1109 Naziev Ya. M., Allakhverdiev A. M.: Empirical equations for saturated hydro- carbons ... 1109 Madzhidov Kh.: Experimental study of thermal conductivity of dimethylketone and methylethylketone at different temperatures and pressures ... 1110 Tsvetkov 0. B., Danilova G. N., Vasil'kov A. I.: The unsteady monotonic heat- ing method as applied to study thermal conductivity of liquid carbon dioxide ... 1111 Golik A. Z., Adamenko 1. I., Varetsky V. V., Tkachenko A. A., Sokolovskaya S. F.: Elastic and viscous properties of double solutions of n-paraffins in a wide range of temperatures and pressures ... 1112 Gurenkova T. V., Suleimanova L. L., Gorshenina T. N., Usmanov A. G.: Effect of the chemical nature of liquid and temperature on the value of the radiation component of thermal conductivity ... 1113 Sorina G. A., Kozlovskaya G. M., Tsekhanskaya Yu. V.: Calorie properties of aqueous solutions of ammonium nitrate ... 1114 Gruzdev V. A., Verba 0. I.: The bithermal method for measuring vapour pressu- re and experimental results on aqueous solutions of lithium bromide ... 1114 Miller I. I., Surikov V. 1., Yarosh E. M., Danilov S. V., Kalistratova L. F.: Thermophysical properties of some vanadium-containing compounds ... 1115 Avetisyan A. 0., Goryachev Yu. M., Kovenskaya B. A., Yarmola T. M.: Thermo- physical properties and nature of interatomic interaction in silicides of transition metals ... 1116 SURVEY Novikov I. I.: Phase transformations in crystal bodies (Modern state-of-art of the problem) ... 1118 PROMINENT SOVIET SCIENTISTS Abram Filippovich Chudnovsky (70th Anniversary and 45th Scientific Activity) ... 1133 Oleg Aleksandrovich Sergeev (50th Anniversary and 30th Scientific Activity) ... 1135 READER'S GUIDE Contenst of the Journal of Engineering Physics, vol. XXXIX, 1980 ... 1137