S. M. Arinkin,a L. P. Panasenko,b and E. V. Papoka UDC 621.671.0015532.5.539.4 A brief review of the basic types of rotation-type supports has been given. The structures of self-aligning gasdynamic and hydrodynamic centrifugal supports have been described. A comparative computational analysis of their efficiency has been made; the advantage of the hydraulic support in realizing large-tonnage processes has been shown on the basis of the analysis. Keywords: high-speed rotary systems, centrifugal supports, hydraulic suspensions, gasdynamic bearings, self-balancing of centrifugal supports, damping of vibrations. aA. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 15 P. Brovka Str., Minsk, 220072, Belarus; email:; bMinsk State Higher Aviation College, 77 Uborevich Str., Minsk, 220096, Belarus; email: Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 82, No. 1, pp. 59-64, January-February, 2009. Original article submitted November 22, 2007; revision submitted March 30, 2008.