N. A. Dokukova,a} M. D. Martynenko,b} and E. N. Kaftaikinac} UDC 517.9 A method of equivalent linearization for a nonlinear dynamic system of vibrations with a hydraulically elastic shock absorber is presented. An integral estimation of the exact and approximate solutions is obtained. It is shown that with an appropriate choice of the parameterthe linearized dynamic system differs insignificantly from the nonlinear one. The influence of nonlinear factors on the coefficients of the dynamic rigidity and transmission has been established. These results agree well with the experimental curves published in the foreign scientific literature. a}International Institute of Labor and Social Relations, 21/1 Kazinets Str., Minsk, 220099, Belarus; email: dokukova@; b}Belarusian State University, 4 Nezavisimost' Ave., Minsk, 220050, Belarus; c}Joint Institute of Machine Building, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 81, No. 6, pp. 1154-1157, November-December, 2008. Original article submitted September 26, 2007; revision submitted November 13, 2007.