A. A. Shchipanov UDC 532.546 The mechanism of fluid exchange between fractures and a pore matrix that occurs in the case of flow in a fractured-porous medium has been investigated with the use of an analytical apparatus and numerical modeling. It has been established that the decrease in the permeability of fractures in their deformation causes a symmetry loss by the matrix-fracture exchange. In single-phase flow, the asymmetry of the exchange is in the presence of a crossflow from the fractures to the matrix with increase and decrease in the fluid pressure in the medium. In two-phase oil-water flow, the symmetry of exchange (oil to fractures and water to the matrix) can be broken with decrease in the fracture permeability: the matrix-fractures oil flow is replaced by a fractures-matrix water flow. The asymmetry of the exchange can be the reason for the substantial reduction in the efficiency of cyclic action on the fractured-porous oil bed. PermNIPIneft', 29 Sovetskaya Armiya Str., Perm', 614066, Russia; email: Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 80, No. 1, pp. 35-45, January-February, 2007. Original article submitted November 26, 2004; revision submitted July 18, 2006.