STUDY OF A CARBON-CERAMIC COMPOSITE MATERIAL UNDER HIGH-TEMPERATURE THERMAL ACTION L. I. Guseva,a Yu. D. Khodzhaev,bb UDC 536.24 The results of testing a carbon-ceramic composite material exposed to multiple high-temperature thermal action are given. The thermophysical characteristics of the material under study are restored based on these results and with the methods of solution of inverse heat-conduction problems. aM. M. Gromov Flight-Research Institute, Zhukovskii, Russia; bN. E. Zhukovskii Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute, 1 Zhukovskii Str., Zhukovskii, 140160, Moscow Region, Russia. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 79, No. 4, pp. 194-196 , July-August, 2006. Original article submitted May 6, 2006.