E. A. Lavinskaya,a S. Martemianov, b J.-B. Saulnier, b and N. A. Fomina UDC 535.36 The process of reconstruction of local parameters of combined flows from the data of limited-projection integral measurements with the use of the inverse Radon transform has been simulated numerically. Particular emphasis has been placed on the digital modification of the so-called speckle tomography making it possible to record with the highest degree of accuracy the initial data on the angles of deflection of laser radiation probing the medium. The errors of such a reconstruction have been computed and analyzed. It has been shown that reconstruction of only relatively simple flows with a comparatively low asymmetry is possible when the number of projections is no larger than four. a A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 15 P. Brovka Str., Minsk, 220072, Belarus; email:; b Higher National School of Mechanics and Aerodynamics, Poitier, France. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 77, No. 5, pp. 94-104, September-October, 2004. Original article submitted September 24, 2003; revision submitted December 23, 2003.