S. V. Kayukov, S. I. Yares'ko, and P. A. Mikheev UDC 621.373.826.038.025:621.791.725:621.78 With the example of the serial model of a pulsed Nd-glass laser, it is shown that the use of an unstable resonator with a semireflecting homogeneous exit mirror makes it possible to significantly decrease the laser-beam divergence and increase the uniformity of the radiation-intensity distribution in the near zone. We were the first to obtain a laser-beam quality of(40-50) mm*mrad for technological glass lasers and to attain a depth of fusing of of
6.3 mm for steel (aspect ratio
10) for an energy of
23 J. The obtained uniformity of the radiation-intensity distribution was estimated at the level of
10%. The beam-quality level attained for the Nd-glass laser beam allows us to recommend it for both realization of deep-fusion regimes and laser hardening without the use of external integrating optical elements. Samara Branch of the P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Samara, Russia. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 74, No. 3, pp. 207-211, May-June, 2001. Original article submitted February 29, 2000. JEPTER7492020011 JEPTER749201