INTEGRATION OF THE SOLUTION OF A MIXED LING HEAT PROBLEM A. Evtushenko,a S. Koneczny, b and R. Czapowskab UDC 539.377 A solution of the Ling heat problem with mixed boundary conditions is obtained using the method of piecewise-linear approximation of the flow. For a constant intensity of the frictional heat flux a resolvent of the kernel of the integral equation of the problem is constructed. aLvov State Finance and Economics Institute, Lvov, Ukraine; bTechnical University (Politechnika Lodzka), Lodz, Poland. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 123-127, January-February, 2001. Original article submitted January 21, 2000; revision submitted June 16, 2000. JEPTER7492020013 JEPTER749203