INTEGRATION OF THE SOLUTION OF THE LING HEAT PROBLEM USING FINITE FUNCTIONS A. Evtushenko,a S. Koneczny,b and R. Czapowskab UDC 539.377 It is proposed that a step or piecewise linear approximation of the intensity of the heat flux be used for calculating convolution integrals in the solution of the Ling heat problem. aLvov State Finance and Economics Institute, Lvov, Ukraine; bTechnical University (Politechnika Lodzka), Lodz, Poland. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheski Zhurnal, Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 118-122, January-February, 2001. Original article submitted December 14, 1999; revision submitted June 16, 2000. JEPTER7492020013 JEPTER749203