EFFECT OF IRRADIATION BY BORON IONS ON THE CHARACTER OF REALIZATION OF TWINNING AND SLIP UNDER PROLONGED (MORE THAN 60 SEC) LOADING OF SINGLE CRYSTALS OF BISMUTH O. M. Ostrikov UDC 548.0 The twinning of single crystals of bismuth irradiated by boron ions with an energy of 25 keV and a dose of 1017 ion/cm2, in the case of prolonged (more than 60 sec) loading of a crystal is studied. It is found that prolonged exposure of a crystal to a concentrated load promotes a decrease in the number of twins in the concentrator of external stresses. An increase of temperature up to 400 K stimulates the process of slip in the realization of plastic deformation of a crystal. JEPTER7492019994 JEPTER749204