PROPERTIES OF ED-8P RESIN-BASED POWDER COMPOSITIONS V. V. Komar' , L. V. Vyacheslavova , and Yu. M. Pokotilo UDC 678.643 In producing compositions by the method of dry mixing of the components, the effect of the type and concentration of the hardener and the temperature regime of hardening on the process of formation of a three-dimensional polymer structure and the technological and electrical-insulation properties of powder compositions based on ED-8P solid epoxy oligomer is studied. A poorly combustible polymer compound for deposition of insulation by the method of fluidized-bed spraying that ensures hermetic sealing and IR-laser marking of mass-produced items is developed. A number of regularities that make it possible to control the technological properties of the compositions are established. JEPTER74920199918 JEPTER7492018