SCATTERING OF RADIATION IN AN ANISOTROPIC TURBULENT MEDIUM E. I. Lavinskaya , E. F. Nogotov , and N. A. Fomin UDC 535.311+536.24 Scattering of laser radiation on density fluctuations in propagation of radiation through an anisotropic turbulent medium is analyzed. It is shown that the deviation angles in turbulent gas flows at atmospheric pressure equal ~10-5-10-4 rad and can be detected by means of speckle photography. A statistical analysis of two-dimensional fields of deviation angles makes it possible to evaluate three-dimensional density correlation functions in a turbulent flow. It is shown that taking account of the turbulence anisotropy leads to distributions of the laser-radiation intensity over deviation angles that deviate substantially from the Gaussian distribution. JEPTER74920199916 JEPTER7492016