Volume 94, №3
An experimental investigation has been conducted into the pyrolysis of typical medical waste components in a fi xedbed reactor with a view to obtaining detailed information on the process characteristics. It is shown that the main loss of the mass of the mixture of chlorine-containing medical wastes occurs in two stages. The fi rst stage which fi nishes at a temperature of about 400o C is characterized by the discharge of pyrolysis water and gas which contains hydrogen chlorine. At the second stage, at a temperature from 400 to 500o C, there is a discharge of the main part of volatile substances that are largely made up of pyrolytic oil. An environmentally safe and cost-effective method of solving the problem of medical waste disposal based on its two-stage pyrolysis has been proposed. The method includes the removal of chlorine-containing components from medical waste before the thermal degradation of their organic part, which, in practice, excludes the possibility of formation of highly toxic chlorine-containing substances
An experimental investigation has been conducted into the pyrolysis of typical medical waste components in a fi xedbed reactor with a view to obtaining detailed information on the process characteristics. It is shown that the main loss of the mass of the mixture of chlorine-containing medical wastes occurs in two stages. The fi rst stage which fi nishes at a temperature of about 400o C is characterized by the discharge of pyrolysis water and gas which contains hydrogen chlorine. At the second stage, at a temperature from 400 to 500o C, there is a discharge of the main part of volatile substances that are largely made up of pyrolytic oil. An environmentally safe and cost-effective method of solving the problem of medical waste disposal based on its two-stage pyrolysis has been proposed. The method includes the removal of chlorine-containing components from medical waste before the thermal degradation of their organic part, which, in practice, excludes the possibility of formation of highly toxic chlorine-containing substances
Author: V. V. Khaskhachikh, V. F. Kornil′eva, G. Ya. Gerasimov
Keywords: medical waste, pyrolysis, fi xed-bed reactor, chlorine-containing pollutants
Page: 580-585
V. V. Khaskhachikh, V. F. Kornil′eva, G. Ya. Gerasimov.
INVESTIGATION INTO THE PYROLYSIS OF MEDICAL WASTE IN A FIXED-BED REACTOR //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics.
. Volume 94, №3. P. 580-585.
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