Volume 94,   №3


A method of numerical-analytical optimization of the cascades of straight-through gas centrifuges for separating boron isotopes in the form of trifl uoride BF3 has been developed. As a criterion, the minimum of the total number of gas centrifuges at the given external parameters of the scheme of cascades was adopted. The method is based on the analytical relations obtained for fl ows of stages in the approximation of total feed fl ow minimization. The calculations involve estimates of the effi ciency of separation of boron isotopes in a straight-through centerbody centrifuge that determine the optimal operating regime of the latter. Two schemes of cascades for obtaining BF3 with enrichment by 95% 10B on selection and 0.001% at the dump are considered, which is equivalent to 99.999% enrichment with 11B. It is shown that the optimum total number of centrifuges is the same for both schemes.

A method of numerical-analytical optimization of the cascades of straight-through gas centrifuges for separating boron isotopes in the form of trifl uoride BF3 has been developed. As a criterion, the minimum of the total number of gas centrifuges at the given external parameters of the scheme of cascades was adopted. The method is based on the analytical relations obtained for fl ows of stages in the approximation of total feed fl ow minimization. The calculations involve estimates of the effi ciency of separation of boron isotopes in a straight-through centerbody centrifuge that determine the optimal operating regime of the latter. Two schemes of cascades for obtaining BF3 with enrichment by 95% 10B on selection and 0.001% at the dump are considered, which is equivalent to 99.999% enrichment with 11B. It is shown that the optimum total number of centrifuges is the same for both schemes.
Author:  V. A. Palkin, S. S. Lubnin, and V. I. Tokmantsev
Keywords:  isotope separation, boron isotopes, separation cascade, straight-through centrifuge, optimization
Page:  541-546

V. A. Palkin, S. S. Lubnin, and V. I. Tokmantsev .  SELECTIVE MASS TRANSFER OF BORON ISOTOPES IN THE OPTIMAL CASCADES OF STRAIGHT-THROUGH GAS CENTRIFUGES //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 94, №3. P. 541-546.

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