Volume 94,   №2

Experimental investigation of the process of aviation kerosene dehydration in a fuel tank

The results of experimental investigations of the dehydration of aviation kerosene TS-1 in a model tank of volume 1.8 m3 are presented. The experiments were carried out under conditions simulating the regimes of a passengercarrying airplane fl ight at pressures 20–110 kPa and temperatures from –20 to +20o C. The dehydration of kerosene was made by bubbling air enriched with nitrogen with a 10% volume fraction of oxygen at its specifi c consumption of 0.0002–0.0007 s–1. A decrease in the concentration of the dissolved water to the values ensuring the absence of phase transitions in the water–kerosene system at temperatures down to –30o C has been established. The concept of using on-board systems of generation of inert gases for dehydrating the kerosene in the fuel tank of an airplane under cruising fl ight conditions has been confi rmed.

The results of experimental investigations of the dehydration of aviation kerosene TS-1 in a model tank of volume 1.8 m3 are presented. The experiments were carried out under conditions simulating the regimes of a passengercarrying airplane fl ight at pressures 20–110 kPa and temperatures from –20 to +20o C. The dehydration of kerosene was made by bubbling air enriched with nitrogen with a 10% volume fraction of oxygen at its specifi c consumption of 0.0002–0.0007 s–1. A decrease in the concentration of the dissolved water to the values ensuring the absence of phase transitions in the water–kerosene system at temperatures down to –30o C has been established. The concept of using on-board systems of generation of inert gases for dehydrating the kerosene in the fuel tank of an airplane under cruising fl ight conditions has been confi rmed.
Author:  É. L. Kitanin, V. L. Zherebtsov, M. M. Peganova, S. G. Stepanov, D. A. Bondarenko
Keywords:  aviation fuel, dehydration, bubbling, on-board system, fl ight conditions
Page:  520-524

É. L. Kitanin, V. L. Zherebtsov, M. M. Peganova, S. G. Stepanov, D. A. Bondarenko.  Experimental investigation of the process of aviation kerosene dehydration in a fuel tank //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 94, №2. P. 520-524.

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