Volume 94,   №2

Focusing of a compression wave at the boundary of a bubble liquid

An analysis of the focusing of an acoustic wave in a cylindrical channel fi lled with a pure liquid and a bubble liquid, separated by a spherical surface, as a result of its refraction at this interface is given. The infl uence of the frequency of an acoustic wave propagating in such a liquid–gas mixture as well as the radius of the bubbles and their volume content in it on the distance of focusing of this wave in the mixture was investigated. The conditions under which the focal distance of the acoustic lens formed in a liquid–gas mixture takes a maximum and a minimum values and an acoustic wave propagating in this mixture is focused or scattered in it were determined.

An analysis of the focusing of an acoustic wave in a cylindrical channel fi lled with a pure liquid and a bubble liquid, separated by a spherical surface, as a result of its refraction at this interface is given. The infl uence of the frequency of an acoustic wave propagating in such a liquid–gas mixture as well as the radius of the bubbles and their volume content in it on the distance of focusing of this wave in the mixture was investigated. The conditions under which the focal distance of the acoustic lens formed in a liquid–gas mixture takes a maximum and a minimum values and an acoustic wave propagating in this mixture is focused or scattered in it were determined.
Author:  I. K. Gimaltdinov, E. Yu. Kochanova
Keywords:  focusing, acoustic lens, bubble medium, pure liquid, spherical interface
Page:  490-495

I. K. Gimaltdinov, E. Yu. Kochanova .  Focusing of a compression wave at the boundary of a bubble liquid //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 94, №2. P. 490-495.

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