Volume 94,   №2

Resonance infrasound jet-edge generator and its amplitude–frequency characteristics

The infl uence of the geometric and regime parameters of a resonance infrared jet-edge generator on the formation, in its resonance tube, of a sound fi eld with a predominant discrete tone at the fundamental frequency of the generator resonant cavity was investigated. A parametric investigation of the self-sustained oscillation processes arising in the resonance tube of the generator as a result of the interaction of a subsonic gas jet and a supersonic one with its resonant cavity has been performed. The nonstationary structure of the gas fl ow inside this cavity, characteristic of the self-sustained oscillation interaction of a gas jet with an obstacle, is discussed. Prominence is given to the study of the pattern of the gas fl ow inside the resonant cavity and the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the wave process in it. Recommendations for designing a resonance infrasound jet-edge generator with regard for its use in actual practice are given.

The infl uence of the geometric and regime parameters of a resonance infrared jet-edge generator on the formation, in its resonance tube, of a sound fi eld with a predominant discrete tone at the fundamental frequency of the generator resonant cavity was investigated. A parametric investigation of the self-sustained oscillation processes arising in the resonance tube of the generator as a result of the interaction of a subsonic gas jet and a supersonic one with its resonant cavity has been performed. The nonstationary structure of the gas fl ow inside this cavity, characteristic of the self-sustained oscillation interaction of a gas jet with an obstacle, is discussed. Prominence is given to the study of the pattern of the gas fl ow inside the resonant cavity and the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the wave process in it. Recommendations for designing a resonance infrasound jet-edge generator with regard for its use in actual practice are given.
Author:  K. N. Volkov, V. N. Emel′yanov, A. V. Efremov, and A. I. Tsvetkov
Keywords:  jet-edge generator, Hartmann effect, supersonic gas jet, noise generation, self-sustained oscillation process.
Page:  479-489

K. N. Volkov, V. N. Emel′yanov, A. V. Efremov, and A. I. Tsvetkov.  Resonance infrasound jet-edge generator and its amplitude–frequency characteristics //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 94, №2. P. 479-489.

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