Volume 93,   №5


The use of the basic hydrodynamics equations written for the portion of contracted fl ow at the inlet into the vane channel of the rotor wheel of the radial-axial turbines at considerable angles of attack and for the portion of subsequent expansion up to the reattachment of fl ow to the channel walls made it possible to obtain analytical dependences (characteristics) of losses on the angles of fl ow inlet into the channel. The circulation at the inlet into the channel exerts a noticeable infl uence on the actual angle of the fl ow that entered into the channel. The obtained method of calculation of losses also makes it possible to take into account the thickness of the blades, on which the region of insensitivity to the angle of attack depends, and to determine the corresponding angles of the fl ow entry that bound this region. The characteristics of the rotor wheels of radial-axial turbines obtained with the use of the developed method agree well with the known experimental data in a wide range of the angles of attack of fl ow
Author:  Yu. A. Grishin and V. N. Bakulin
Keywords:  radial-axial turbine, rotor wheel, angle of attack, circulation, separation losses, characteristics
Page:  1240

Yu. A. Grishin and V. N. Bakulin.  DETERMINATION OF SEPARATION LOSSES IN THE ROTOR WHEELS OF RADIAL-AXIAL TURBINES //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 93, №5. P. 1240.

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