Volume 93,   №5


Results of experimental investigation of the fl oating-up of a cluster of air bubbles in a viscous fl uid by an optical method are presented. A setup has been developed for formation of a compact cluster of monodisperse bubbles with assigned diameter and volume concentration. It is shown that the velocity of the fl oating-up of a cluster of bubbles is higher than the velocity of the fl oating-up of a single bubble and depends on their number, diameter, and the distance between the bubbles. An empirical dependence of the resistance coeffi cient of a cluster of air bubbles fl oating up in glycerin on the Reynolds number has been obtained.
Author:  V. A. Arkhipov, S. A. Basalaev, K. G. Perfi l′eva, and A. S. Usanina
Keywords:  bubble cluster, resistance coeffi cient, optical method, experimental investigation
Page:  1200

V. A. Arkhipov, S. A. Basalaev, K. G. Perfi l′eva, and A. S. Usanina .  DYNAMICS OF THE FLOATING-UP OF A BUBBLE CLUSTE //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 93, №5. P. 1200.

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