Volume 93, №4
Processes proceeding in a pulsed liquid-jet generator were investigated in the acoustic and gasdynamic approximations. In the acoustic approximation, the problem on the one-dimensional movement of the liquid in the generator with no movement of its piston and no liquid outfl ow from it was considered. In the gasdynamic approximation, the problems on one-dimensional and axisymmetric liquid fl ows in the generator were solved numerically with regard for the movement of the generator piston, the liquid outfl ow from the generator, and the cavitation of the liquid in it. A onedimensional liquid fl ow in the generator was calculated using the potential method, a scheme with introduction of artifi cial viscosity, the Godunov method, and modifi cations of this method. Results of calculations of the movement of the liquid in the generator by different models were compared, and corresponding conclusions have been made.
Author: A. N. Semko and O. V. Kazak
Keywords: pulsed liquid-jet generator, liquid compressibility, wave process, cavitation, numerical simulation, velocity pulsations, liquid outfl ow, liquid disks
Page: 893
A. N. Semko and O. V. Kazak.
FEATURES OF HIGH-VELOCITY PULSATING LIQUID JETS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics.
. Volume 93, №4. P. 893.
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