Volume 93,   №4


An exact solution of rheology equations, which is possible for a layered two-phase material simplest of structure, is used as a tool for testing concepts and rheological equations obtained on the basis of the existing structural models of disperse systems and for ranking the models by the extent to which the excluded-volume effect is taken account of in them. Consideration has been given to the features of fl ow of layered systems in which the dispersed phase is a continuous impermeable medium, an elastic material, and a coagulation structure permeable to a dispersion medium. In the context of the model of fl ow of layered systems, the authors interpret the fl ow regime observed experimentally, the so-called "stress plateau," which is characteristic of liquid crystalline structures and polymer melts
Author:  E. E. Bibik, E. V. Sivtsov, and V. D. Rodinova
Keywords:  rheology, viscosity, free volume, shear, elastoplasticity
Page:  839

E. E. Bibik, E. V. Sivtsov, and V. D. Rodinova .  EXCLUDED VOLUME IN MICRORHEOLOGICAL MODELS OF STRUCTURED SUSPENSIONS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 93, №4. P. 839.

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