Volume 91, №5
This paper describes new algorithms for processing noisy specklograms, which permit quantitative diagnostics of the microstructure of shock-wave fl ows with a subpicosecond accuracy with the use of statistical analysis of numerically registered speckle fi elds disturbed by the refraction in the investigated fl ows. The software developed by us permits reconstructing up to 10,000 vector angles of probe radiation defl ection in a two-dimensional region of size 20 × 30 mm2 in imaging a speckle fi eld with optical magnifi cation M = 1
Author: N. B. Bazylev and N. A. Fomin
Keywords: speckle photography, cross-correlation analysis, subpicosecond resolution, boundary layer, shock waves
Page: 1241
N. B. Bazylev and N. A. Fomin.
CROSS-CORRELATION ANALYSIS OF DIGITAL SPECKLE PHOTOGRAPHY //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics.
. Volume 91, №5. P. 1241.
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