Volume 91,   №2


The two-dimensional problem on the collision of a potential ideal-liquid jet, outfl owing from a reservoir through a nozzle, with an infi nite plane obstacle was considered for the case where the distance between the nozzle exit section and the obstacle is fi nite. An exact solution of this problem has been found using methods of the complex-variable function theory. Simple analytical expressions for the complex velocity of the liquid, its fl ow rate, and the force of action of the jet on the obstacle have been obtained. The velocity distributions of the liquid at the nozzle exit section, in the region of spreading of the jet, and at the obstacle have been constructed for different distances between the nozzle exit section and the obstacle. Analytical expressions for the thickness of the boundary layer and the Nusselt number at the point of stagnation of the jet have been obtained. A number of distributions of the local friction coeffi cient and the Nusselt number of the indicated jet are presented.
Author:  V. D. Belik
Keywords:  impact jet, obstacle, exact solution, two-dimensional problem, boundary layer, friction coeffi cient, Nusselt number
Page:  377

V. D. Belik .  EXACT SOLUTION OF THE TWO-DIMENSIONAL PROBLEM ON AN IMPACT IDEAL-LIQUID JET //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 91, №2. P. 377.

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