Volume 91,   №2


A semiempirical model is proposed for estimation of the noise levels produced by aircraft piston power plants in the far acoustic fi eld, which takes account of the main sources of noise. The acoustic fi eld is considered as a superposition of fi elds formed by the radiations from a propeller and a piston engine. For calculation estimation of the levels of tonal noise of the propeller, it is proposed that a semiempirical method developed by the authors earlier be used. To determine the levels of vortex propeller noise which is presumably dominant in the broad-band noise of tractor propellers, it is proposed that one analytical model of trailing-edge noise be used. An empirical model of noise is proposed for calculation of the acoustic characteristics of a piston engine. Good agreement is shown between calculated and experimental data on the noise of power plants with tractor propellers. The data have been derived in acoustic testing of light aircraft of the An-2, Yak-18T, MAI-223M, and F30 type under static conditions at the aviabase of the Moscow Aviation Institute. Lines of further research are formulated for improvement of this procedure and expansion of the fi eld of its application
Author:  P. A. Moshkov and V. F. Samokhin
Keywords:  propeller, noise of a propeller, noise of a piston engine, noise of a power plant, aeroacoustics, noise of an aircraft, noise of an unmanned fl ying vehicle
Page:  332

P. A. Moshkov and V. F. Samokhin.  INTEGRAL MODEL OF NOISE OF AN ENGINE-PROPELLER POWER PLANT //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 91, №2. P. 332.

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