Volume 91,   №1


The phenomenon of spontaneous rise of solid particles in a narrow tube immersed in a fi xed aerated granular bed has been investigated experimentally. This phenomenon was called by us the quasi-capillary effect. It has been established that if a tube is immersed in a fi xed aerated granular bed, conditions are created inside the tube for intense motion of the solid phase, as a result of which the height to which the disperse medium rises inside the tube exceeds the height of the bulk granular bed. It is shown that the height of the solid phase rise and the character of the particle motion depend directly on the ratio of the inner tube diameter to the size of particles, as well as on the depth of tube immersion in the granular bed. The physical interpretation of this effect is given.
Author:  V. N. Korolev, V. A. Markov, S. A. Nagornov, and I. S. Paryshev
Keywords:  narrow tube, particle size, fi xed granular bed, solid particles, disperse medium
Page:  242

V. N. Korolev, V. A. Markov, S. A. Nagornov, and I. S. Paryshev.  QUASI-CAPILLARY EFFECT IN A FIXED AERATED GRANULAR BED //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 91, №1. P. 242 .

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