Volume 98,   №1


In the work, the authors have presented an overview of the state of the art of modeling of large-scale atmospheric fl ows and results of the cycle of investigations in this area that were carried out at the Institute of Continuum Mechanics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Using the laboratory analog of a tropical cyclone as an example, a number of issues concerning the development and stability of tropical cyclones have been considered. The authors have presented a novel laboratory model of general circulation of the atmosphere and results of modeling of the warming in the Arctic. It has been shown that the loss of ice may cause the average temperature in a polar region and in the mid-latitude region to substantially change.
In the work, the authors have presented an overview of the state of the art of modeling of large-scale atmospheric fl ows and results of the cycle of investigations in this area that were carried out at the Institute of Continuum Mechanics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Using the laboratory analog of a tropical cyclone as an example, a number of issues concerning the development and stability of tropical cyclones have been considered. The authors have presented a novel laboratory model of general circulation of the atmosphere and results of modeling of the warming in the Arctic. It has been shown that the loss of ice may cause the average temperature in a polar region and in the mid-latitude region to substantially change.

Author:  A. N. Sukhanovskii, A. Yu. Vasiliev, A. A. Gavrilov, A. V. Evgrafova, E. N. Popova
Keywords:  heat transfer, laboratory modeling, analog of a tropical cyclone, general circulation of the atmosphere, numerical modeling
Page:  274

A. N. Sukhanovskii, A. Yu. Vasiliev, A. A. Gavrilov, A. V. Evgrafova, E. N. Popova.  CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER IN LARGE-SCALE NATURAL SYSTEMS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 98, №1. P. 274.

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