Volume 98, №1
An analysis has been made of modern models of heat transfer in a solid body on the basis of the results of measurements of the thermal-conductivity coeffi cient of a neodymium magnet. An agreement between the electron-photon heattransfer model and the experimental data has been shown. The results of investigations into the thermal conductivity of a neodymium magnet with a varying orientation of magnetic force lines with respect to the direction of the heat fl ux and several values of magnetic induction have been given. Assumptions have been made of the infl uence of internalenergy carriers, i.e., free electrons and photons radiated by the orbital electrons of atoms at the lattice sites of a body, on the phenomena of thermal relaxation and thermal damping in the process of heat transfer
An analysis has been made of modern models of heat transfer in a solid body on the basis of the results of measurements of the thermal-conductivity coeffi cient of a neodymium magnet. An agreement between the electron-photon heattransfer model and the experimental data has been shown. The results of investigations into the thermal conductivity of a neodymium magnet with a varying orientation of magnetic force lines with respect to the direction of the heat fl ux and several values of magnetic induction have been given. Assumptions have been made of the infl uence of internalenergy carriers, i.e., free electrons and photons radiated by the orbital electrons of atoms at the lattice sites of a body, on the phenomena of thermal relaxation and thermal damping in the process of heat transfer
Author: Yu. A. Kirsanov
Keywords: heat conduction, anisotropy, thermal relaxation, thermal damping, magnetic fi eld, free electrons, orbital electrons, photons
Page: 256
Yu. A. Kirsanov.
THERMAL RELAXATION AND HEAT CONDUCTION OF A SOLID BODY //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics.
. Volume 98, №1. P. 256.
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