Volume 98,   №1


An analysis of the interaction of the plasma channel of a spark discharge with a distilled-water droplet, suspended on a thread, under the conditions of its heating to 40oC is presented. The process of evaporation of such a droplet with the participation of a thermionic-emission source without and with a spark discharge was considered. With the use of pyrometry instruments, the dynamics of change in the temperature of water droplets in the process of their evaporation was investigated. A qualitative investigation of the kinetics of evaporation of a suspended distilledwater droplet under experimental conditions has been performed. For the visual representation of the process of evaporation of a spherical water droplet, over which the plasma channel of a spark discharge in the form of a plasma fi lament fl ows, the notion of the peach eff ect was introduced. It was established experimentally that, independently of the temperature of a water droplet, a spark discharge increases the rate of its evaporation by 35% supposedly due to the expansion of the spark channel because of the radial fl ying-off of gas (environmental) molecules and the additional heating of the water droplet along the meridian line.
An analysis of the interaction of the plasma channel of a spark discharge with a distilled-water droplet, suspended on a thread, under the conditions of its heating to 40oC is presented. The process of evaporation of such a droplet with the participation of a thermionic-emission source without and with a spark discharge was considered. With the use of pyrometry instruments, the dynamics of change in the temperature of water droplets in the process of their evaporation was investigated. A qualitative investigation of the kinetics of evaporation of a suspended distilledwater droplet under experimental conditions has been performed. For the visual representation of the process of evaporation of a spherical water droplet, over which the plasma channel of a spark discharge in the form of a plasma fi lament fl ows, the notion of the peach eff ect was introduced. It was established experimentally that, independently of the temperature of a water droplet, a spark discharge increases the rate of its evaporation by 35% supposedly due to the expansion of the spark channel because of the radial fl ying-off of gas (environmental) molecules and the additional heating of the water droplet along the meridian line.

Author:  I. A. Shorstkii
Keywords:  spark discharge, water droplet, evaporation, spark channel, heat and mass transfer, shock wave
Page:  206

I. A. Shorstkii.  INTERACTION OF THE PLASMA CHANNEL OF A SPARK DISCHARGE WITH A SUSPENDED WATER DROPLET //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 98, №1. P. 206 .

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