Volume 98,   №1


Characteristics of biofuel produced via environmentally safe transesterifi cation and nanofi ltration in a nanomembrane reactor are presented. A porous nanomembrane has been fabricated on the basis of polyvinylidenfl uoride and vinylidenfl uoride–tetrafl uoroethylene copolymer. The operational characteristics of the obtained fuel have been investigated using a stand based on a swirl burner reproducing the work of a small power diesel generator. The results of investigating the properties of diesel fuel-based biofuel compositions and also the characteristics of their spray, ignition, and combustion have made it possible to identify the optimum concentration of fatty acid methyl ethers of rapeseed oil part as of such a composition
Characteristics of biofuel produced via environmentally safe transesterifi cation and nanofi ltration in a nanomembrane reactor are presented. A porous nanomembrane has been fabricated on the basis of polyvinylidenfl uoride and vinylidenfl uoride–tetrafl uoroethylene copolymer. The operational characteristics of the obtained fuel have been investigated using a stand based on a swirl burner reproducing the work of a small power diesel generator. The results of investigating the properties of diesel fuel-based biofuel compositions and also the characteristics of their spray, ignition, and combustion have made it possible to identify the optimum concentration of fatty acid methyl ethers of rapeseed oil part as of such a composition

Author:  A. E. Ashikhmin, M. V. Piskunov, and P. A. Strizhak
Keywords:  liquid fuel, biodiesel, nanomembrane, transesterifi cation, spray, combustion, fl ue gases
Page:  162

A. E. Ashikhmin, M. V. Piskunov, and P. A. Strizhak.  MULTICRITERIA ANALYSIS OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF BIOFUEL FABRICATED IN A NANOMEMBRANE REACTOR //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 98, №1. P. 162.

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