Volume 98,   №1


Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) are promising materials. However, to form an amorphous structure, they require liquid quenching, which does not allow the production of large bulk products with an amorphous structure. Selective laser melting (SLM) is an additive technology in which powders are treated layer after layer to form a component according to a three-dimensional model. In SLM, the cooling rate exceeds the critical cooling rate for BMG, which indicates a possibility for using SLM for BMG. The purpose of this work is to determine the parameters of crystallization kinetics in SLM by theoretical analysis of a particular example of the process with subsequent assessment of the applicability of selected parameters to other samples. A comparison of calculations with an experiment has shown a broad range of applicability of the obtained parameters.
Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) are promising materials. However, to form an amorphous structure, they require liquid quenching, which does not allow the production of large bulk products with an amorphous structure. Selective laser melting (SLM) is an additive technology in which powders are treated layer after layer to form a component according to a three-dimensional model. In SLM, the cooling rate exceeds the critical cooling rate for BMG, which indicates a possibility for using SLM for BMG. The purpose of this work is to determine the parameters of crystallization kinetics in SLM by theoretical analysis of a particular example of the process with subsequent assessment of the applicability of selected parameters to other samples. A comparison of calculations with an experiment has shown a broad range of applicability of the obtained parameters.

Author:  M. A. Gridnev, R. S. Khmyrov, A. V. Gusarov
Keywords:  additive technologies, selective laser melting, laser impact, amorphous alloys, bulk metallic glass, crystallization kinetics, heat transfer, mathematical modeling
Page:  26

M. A. Gridnev, R. S. Khmyrov, A. V. Gusarov .  MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF CRYSTALLIZATION KINETICS OF BULK METALLIC GLASS IN SELECTIVE LASER MELTING //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 98, №1. P. 26.

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