Volume 97,   №7


The article presents the results of the computational and theoretical analysis of the mechanisms of formation of a vortex fl ow during fl ame propagation in a channel fi lled with a combustible gas mixture. It is shown that at the initial stage of combustion development the fl ow formed in the near-wall region can be described in accordance with the Blasius boundary layer theory. It is established that the nonstationary nature of fl ame evolution leads to disturbance of the boundary layer and that under certain conditions the development of the boundary layer instability determines the formation of vortex structures ahead of the fl ame front. In such a case, depending on the composition of the combustible gas mixture, stable fl ow regimes without the formation of vortex structures and regimes with fl ow stabilization are possible
The article presents the results of the computational and theoretical analysis of the mechanisms of formation of a vortex fl ow during fl ame propagation in a channel fi lled with a combustible gas mixture. It is shown that at the initial stage of combustion development the fl ow formed in the near-wall region can be described in accordance with the Blasius boundary layer theory. It is established that the nonstationary nature of fl ame evolution leads to disturbance of the boundary layer and that under certain conditions the development of the boundary layer instability determines the formation of vortex structures ahead of the fl ame front. In such a case, depending on the composition of the combustible gas mixture, stable fl ow regimes without the formation of vortex structures and regimes with fl ow stabilization are possible

Author:  A. V. Yarkov, A. D. Kiverin, I. S. Yakovenko
Keywords:  combustion of gases, fl ame acceleration, boundary layer, vortex fl ow, numerical simulation
Page:  1751

A. V. Yarkov, A. D. Kiverin, I. S. Yakovenko .  EVOLUTION OF THE BOUNDARY LAYER IN A CHANNEL DURING NONSTATIONARY COMBUSTION OF A GAS MIXTURE //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 97, №7. P. 1751.

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