Volume 97, №4
Features of mathematical models of thermodynamic systems, typical formulations of problems on the optimum control of them, and possibilities of using the indicated features in solving these problems were considered. Solutions of the problems on the interaction of two subsystems exchanging scalar and vector fl ows of any nature in the process of their direct contact or contact through a mediator have been found for any kinetics of these fl ows. Conditions of minimum dissipation of the energy of a vector fl ow having a defi nite average rate were determined. Solutions of the indicated problems defi ne the realizability boundary of a great number of regimes of thermodynamic systems.
Features of mathematical models of thermodynamic systems, typical formulations of problems on the optimum control of them, and possibilities of using the indicated features in solving these problems were considered. Solutions of the problems on the interaction of two subsystems exchanging scalar and vector fl ows of any nature in the process of their direct contact or contact through a mediator have been found for any kinetics of these fl ows. Conditions of minimum dissipation of the energy of a vector fl ow having a defi nite average rate were determined. Solutions of the indicated problems defi ne the realizability boundary of a great number of regimes of thermodynamic systems.
Author: A. M. Tsirlin
Keywords: contact of thermodynamic systems, vector exchange fl ows, mediator, energy dissipation, rate of fl ows.
Page: 813-822
A. M. Tsirlin.
OPTIMUM INTERACTION OF THERMODYNAMIC SYSTEMS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics.
. Volume 97, №4. P. 813-822.
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