Volume 97, №3
The transition of the steady fl uid fl ow in a diff erently heated cavity with an adiabatic wavy fi n installed on its hot wall to the unsteady one under the action of this fi n was simulated numerically depending on the geometry of the fi n. It was established that the thermal behavior of the fl uid in the cavity is greatly dependent on the relative undulation of the fi n, and the heat transfer in the cavity increases with increase in the fi n-developed heat exchange surface of the cavity
The transition of the steady fl uid fl ow in a diff erently heated cavity with an adiabatic wavy fi n installed on its hot wall to the unsteady one under the action of this fi n was simulated numerically depending on the geometry of the fi n. It was established that the thermal behavior of the fl uid in the cavity is greatly dependent on the relative undulation of the fi n, and the heat transfer in the cavity increases with increase in the fi n-developed heat exchange surface of the cavity
Author: M. S. Bouchouicha, O. Ladjedel, K. Boualem, F. Zemani, T. Yahiaouid
Keywords: cavity, wavy fi n, ripple, natural convection, Rayleigh number
Page: 724
M. S. Bouchouicha, O. Ladjedel, K. Boualem, F. Zemani, T. Yahiaouid.
NUMERICAL STUDY ON A CONDUCTING WAVY FIN IN A RECTANGULAR CAVITY //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics.
. Volume 97, №3. P. 724.
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