Volume 97,   №3


Exact analytical solution of the Navier–Stokes equations, that describes, in the Boussinesq approximation, the fl ow of an incompressible liquid in the horizontal, plane layer with solid boundaries, rotating about a vertical axis, is presented. The fl ow of the liquid in this layer is advective and thermoacoustic in nature, and it is due to the constant longitudinal temperature gradient at the boundaries of the layer and to the acoustic wave propagating in it. The length of this wave is assumed to be comparable with the thickness of the layer, and the period of acoustic vibrations of the liquid in it is small compared to the characteristic convection times. Because of this, it is advantageous to defi ne the averaged liquid fl ow in the layer. The properties of the solution obtained are investigated and the infl uence of the Taylor number of the liquid fl ow on its velocity and temperature profi les at constant Grashof, Reynolds, and Prandtl numbers is determined.
Exact analytical solution of the Navier–Stokes equations, that describes, in the Boussinesq approximation, the fl ow of an incompressible liquid in the horizontal, plane layer with solid boundaries, rotating about a vertical axis, is presented. The fl ow of the liquid in this layer is advective and thermoacoustic in nature, and it is due to the constant longitudinal temperature gradient at the boundaries of the layer and to the acoustic wave propagating in it. The length of this wave is assumed to be comparable with the thickness of the layer, and the period of acoustic vibrations of the liquid in it is small compared to the characteristic convection times. Because of this, it is advantageous to defi ne the averaged liquid fl ow in the layer. The properties of the solution obtained are investigated and the infl uence of the Taylor number of the liquid fl ow on its velocity and temperature profi les at constant Grashof, Reynolds, and Prandtl numbers is determined.

Author:  K. G. Shvartz
Keywords:  : horizontal convection, advective fl ows, exact solution, acoustic wave, rotation
Page:  675

K. G. Shvartz.  ADVECTIVE THERMOACOUSTIC FLOW IN A ROTATING HORIZONTAL LIQUID LAYER //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 97, №3. P. 675.

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