Volume 97,   №1


Viscosity values of liquids are important for prediction of liquid fl ow in many oil and gas and chemical product processes. In this paper, a description is given of a number of methods used for measuring the viscosity of liquids, including the capillary, rotational, oscillatory, and sonic viscometries. A description is also given of a number of models used for assessing the viscosity of elements, the dependence of viscosity on temperature, and the viscosity of multicomponent systems, including the Arrhenius equation. The scatter in the data to be found in the literature is emphasized by comparison of two data reviews on elements.
Viscosity values of liquids are important for prediction of liquid fl ow in many oil and gas and chemical product processes. In this paper, a description is given of a number of methods used for measuring the viscosity of liquids, including the capillary, rotational, oscillatory, and sonic viscometries. A description is also given of a number of models used for assessing the viscosity of elements, the dependence of viscosity on temperature, and the viscosity of multicomponent systems, including the Arrhenius equation. The scatter in the data to be found in the literature is emphasized by comparison of two data reviews on elements.

Author:  P. M. Matyakubova, P. R. Ismatullaev, Zh. U. Shamuratov
Keywords:  physical model, fl ow, moisture content, liquid material, thermosensitive element, heating element, pipeline, heat transfer
Page:  134

P. M. Matyakubova, P. R. Ismatullaev, Zh. U. Shamuratov .  OSCILLATORY VISCOMETER FOR MEASURING THE VISCOSITY OF LIQUIDS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 97, №1. P. 134.

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