Volume 97,   №1


The infl uence of the preliminary ionization of a combustible mixture and the excitation of its molecules by an electron beam and an external electric fi eld on the intensity of burning of this mixture at diff erent rates of its excitation was considered. Results of calculations of the ignition temperatures of a dry mixture of propane and air as well as of their wet mixture are presented. Recommendations for the exposure of a subsonic fl ow of such a mixture to an electron beam in an external electric fi eld for increasing the effi ciency of burning of the mixture are given.
The infl uence of the preliminary ionization of a combustible mixture and the excitation of its molecules by an electron beam and an external electric fi eld on the intensity of burning of this mixture at diff erent rates of its excitation was considered. Results of calculations of the ignition temperatures of a dry mixture of propane and air as well as of their wet mixture are presented. Recommendations for the exposure of a subsonic fl ow of such a mixture to an electron beam in an external electric fi eld for increasing the effi ciency of burning of the mixture are given.

Author:  P. V. Bulat, K. N. Volkov, L. P. Grachev, I. I. Esakov, P. B. Lavrov, M. E. Peneva
Keywords:  plasmochemistry model, chemical reactions, plasma burning, electron beam, electric fi eld
Page:  109

P. V. Bulat, K. N. Volkov, L. P. Grachev, I. I. Esakov, P. B. Lavrov, M. E. Peneva.  ACTION OF AN ELECTRON BEAM AND AN EXTERNAL ELECTRIC FIELD ON A PROPANE–AIR MIXTURE //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 97, №1. P. 109.

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