Volume 96,   №6


An experimental and theoretical study of the combustion of granulated charges consisting of pyroxylin powders in a manometric bomb of constant volume is presented. A comparison was made of the experimentally measured dependence of pressure increase in a manometric bomb with calculations according to thermodynamic model of combustion of a gunpowder sample in a manometric bomb using the empirical law of the dependence of the burning rate on pressure and a conjugate model of unsteady combustion of gunpowder. The unsteady rate of burning of pyroxylin powder, due to the high rate of pressure growth in the manometric bomb, diff ers from the quasi-stationary speed. This diff erence depends on the rate of pressure growth and on its absolute value and decreases with increasing pressure
An experimental and theoretical study of the combustion of granulated charges consisting of pyroxylin powders in a manometric bomb of constant volume is presented. A comparison was made of the experimentally measured dependence of pressure increase in a manometric bomb with calculations according to thermodynamic model of combustion of a gunpowder sample in a manometric bomb using the empirical law of the dependence of the burning rate on pressure and a conjugate model of unsteady combustion of gunpowder. The unsteady rate of burning of pyroxylin powder, due to the high rate of pressure growth in the manometric bomb, diff ers from the quasi-stationary speed. This diff erence depends on the rate of pressure growth and on its absolute value and decreases with increasing pressure

Author:  A. N. Ishchenko, A. Yu. Krainov, K. S. Rogaev, A. S. D'yachkovskii, E. Yu. Stepanov
Keywords:  manometric bomb, powder, unsteady combustion, numerical simulation
Page:  1474

A. N. Ishchenko, A. Yu. Krainov, K. S. Rogaev, A. S. D'yachkovskii, E. Yu. Stepanov.  EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL STUDY OF GRANULATED CHARGE COMBUSTION IN A CLOSED VOLUME //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 96, №6. P. 1474.

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