Volume 96,   №4


According to the data obtained in laboratory rheological studies, oils from some fi elds are the Bingham nonNewtonian fl uids. In this work, inverse problems are solved numerically to determine the fi ltration parameters of the reservoir. The curves showing the change in pressure and temperature are used as the initial information. The results of the interpretation of real curves obtained from a model with a limiting gradient and from a model with a piecewise linear fi ltration law are compared.
According to the data obtained in laboratory rheological studies, oils from some fi elds are the Bingham nonNewtonian fl uids. In this work, inverse problems are solved numerically to determine the fi ltration parameters of the reservoir. The curves showing the change in pressure and temperature are used as the initial information. The results of the interpretation of real curves obtained from a model with a limiting gradient and from a model with a piecewise linear fi ltration law are compared.

Author:  M. Kh. Khairullin, E. R. Badertdinova, R. M. Khairullinb
Keywords:  Bingham non-Newtonian fl uid, limiting pressure gradient, vertical well, regularization, hydrodynamic studies, thermohydrodynamic studies, numerical simulation
Page:  1066

M. Kh. Khairullin, E. R. Badertdinova, R. M. Khairullinb.  NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF INVERSE PROBLEMS IN FILTRATION OF A VISCOPLASTIC FLUID //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 96, №4. P. 1066.

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