Volume 90,   № 1


Corrosion tests were carried out and experimental data are presented on the characteristics of steam-phase oxidation of fuel-element jackets made from an É110G zirconium alloy and vacuum-melted molybdenum in a temperature range of up to 1400o C at atmospheric pressure. The shut-down cooling characteristics on repeated fl ooding of model fuel assemblies of large-scale stands with fuel elements simulators having jackets made from various standard materials and those from a promising molybdenum one are compared. It is shown that interaction of steam with zirconium alloy is more intense than with molybdenum. At the present time the data on molybdenum are limited.
Author:  S. S. Bazyuk, D. S. Kiselev, Yu. A. Kuzma-Kichta, A. A. Mokrushin, N. Ya. Parshin, E. B. Popov, D. M. Soldatkin, and I. I. Fedik
Keywords:  steam–molybdenum reaction, metallographic analysis, evaporation, repeated fl ooding, shut-down cooling
Page:  233

S. S. Bazyuk, D. S. Kiselev, Yu. A. Kuzma-Kichta, A. A. Mokrushin, N. Ya. Parshin, E. B. Popov, D. M. Soldatkin, and I. I. Fedik.  FLUCTUATION–DISSIPATION MODEL OF THE OPTICAL INFORMATION TRANSMISSION SYSTEM //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 90, № 1. P. 233.

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