Volume 96,   №3


Modern types of cooling towers for cooling liquids include hybrid type units making it possible to eff ectively remove heat from process equipment while meeting environmental safety requirements. A cooling tower with a hybrid system of cooling the circulating water of industrial enterprises has been developed. Its design features are the use of a sprinkler block with inclined-corrugated contact elements and a tubular radiator to exclude direct contact of the main fl ow of circulating water with air. The purpose of this work is to determine the main resistance to heat transfer during the fl ow of wetting water past the outer surface of the radiator pipes in a hybrid cooling tower. Mathematical description of cooling the circulating water in a hybrid cooling tower has been developed. The results of theoretical studies have shown that the value of the thermal power removed from the surface of pipes in a hybrid system for cooling circulating water is signifi cantly aff ected by the temperature characteristics of the heat carrier, wetting (cooling) liquid, as well as their fl ow regimes. Comparison of experimental and theoretical data on the change in the heat power removed from the surface of the radiator tubes confi rmed the adequacy of the developed mathematical description of the cooling process in the developed hybrid cooling tower
Author:  I. N. Madyshev, V. V. Khar′kov, V. É. Zinurov
Keywords:  hybrid cooling tower, heat transfer, thermal resistance
Page:  627

I. N. Madyshev, V. V. Khar′kov, V. É. Zinurov .  THERMAL RESISTANCE OF A TUBULAR RADIATOR OF THE HYBRID SYSTEM FOR COOLING CIRCULATING WATER //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 96, №3. P. 627.

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