Volume 90,   №6


A mathematical model of viscous fl uid fl ow in the gap of a disk pump with nonplane disks has been developed. The characteristics of the pump — fl ow velocity, pressure drop, stress tensor, and the hydraulic coeffi cient of pump effi ciency — have been calculated. A local pressure minimum in the pump has been detected, which leads to local ″choking″ of fl ow and to a decrease in the pressure characteristics and in the pump effi ciency. The parameters causing the local ″choking″ of fl ow have been found, and the means of overcoming this phenomenon are indicated. An optimum inner radius of the disk at which maximum pressure drop and effi ciency of the disk pump are achieved has been established, which made it possible to calculate the optimum parameters of the pump′s disk packet.
Author:  A. E. Medvedev, Yu. M. Prikhod′ko, V. M. Fomin,a,b,c UDC 621.652.001.24 V. P. Fomichev,a V. P. Chekhov,a A. M. Chernyavskii,d A. V. Fomichev, T. M. Ruzmatov, and A. M. Karas′kov
Keywords:  disk pump, viscous fl uid, boundary layer, mathematical model
Page:  1479

A. E. Medvedev, Yu. M. Prikhod′ko, V. M. Fomin,a,b,c UDC 621.652.001.24 V. P. Fomichev,a V. P. Chekhov,a A. M. Chernyavskii,d A. V. Fomichev, T. M. Ruzmatov, and A. M. Karas′kov.  MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF FLUID FLOW BETWEEN ROTATING NONPLANE DISKS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 90, №6. P. 1479.

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