Volume 90,   №6


An exact analytical solution of the problem on the heat conduction in an infi nite plate with the fi rst-kind symmetric boundary conditions has been obtained using the integral method of heat balance with an additional desired function and additional boundary conditions. The solution of the partial differential equation was reduced to the integration of the ordinary differential equation for the additional desired function. It is shown that the fulfi llment of the differential equation at the boundary points of the computational region is equivalent to its fulfi llment within this region. In the approach proposed there is no need to integrate the indicated equation with respect to the space variable because of  the fulfi llment of the integral condition of heat balance, which allows this approach to be applied to the solution of problems that are diffi cult to solve with the use of classical exact analytical methods
Author:  I. V. Kudinov, V. A. Kudinov, E. V. Kotova, and A. V. Eremin
Keywords:  nonstationary heat conduction, integral method of heat balance, additional desired function, additional boundary conditions
Page:  1317

I. V. Kudinov, V. A. Kudinov, E. V. Kotova, and A. V. Eremin.  ON ONE METHOD OF SOLVING NONSTATIONARY BOUNDARY-VALUE PROBLEMS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 90, №6. P. 1317.

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