Volume 95,   №6


An analytical solution for the pressure drop in the disk pump is obtained. It is shown that the characteristics of a disk pump are determined by fi ve dimensionless parameters instead of nine dimensional ones. Three criteria are considered that limit the parameters of the pump for implementation of the laminar regime of fl uid fl ow in the pump. Analysis of the fl ow rate-pressure head fl ow characteristics of pumps in dimensionless comparative coordinates clearly demonstrates the hydrodynamic effi ciency of pumps. It is shown that the drop in the pump head often occurs at the stage of transition from the disks to the pump outlet. It is shown that the left-ventricular circulatory support pump developed earlier by the present authors is the most eff ective of those considered in this article.
Author:  A. E. Medvedev, Yu. M. Prikhod′ko, V. M. Fomin, V. P. Fomichev
Keywords:  : disk pump, viscous liquid, boundary layer, mathematical simulation
Page:  1455

A. E. Medvedev, Yu. M. Prikhod′ko, V. M. Fomin, V. P. Fomichev .  ANALYSIS OF THE EFFICIENCY OF DISK PUMPS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 95, №6. P. 1455.

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