Volume 95,   №5


The results of plasma-chemical synthesis of nanodiamonds from carbon nanostructures in a microarc discharge are presented. The electrodes used in the experiments were a molybdenum cathode and a copper anode coated with carbon nanostructures, such as carbon nanotubes, fullerene soot, and graphene. The formation of carbon nanostructures on the surface of the copper electrode was carried out in an electric arc embedded in a liquid hydrocarbon. At the next stage, these carbon nanostructures served as a source of atomic carbon from the surface of the anode of the microarc discharge. It was found that carbon nanotubes, graphene, and nanodiamonds are synthesized on the cathode surface. A signifi cant infl uence on their formation is exerted by both the surrounding gaseous medium, and the electrophysical parameters of the arc discharge (current and electric fi eld intensity distribution). Two types of nanodiamonds of size 50–100 nm and 5–10 nm have been synthesized, with large nanodiamonds being located separately and small ones as a necklace. The time of formation of microdiamonds is several tens of seconds, which diff ers by orders of magnitude from those obtained by traditional methods of their production.
Author:  B. A. Timerkaev, R. K. Gevorgyan, A. A. Zalyalieva, D. B. Timerkaeva
Keywords:  nanodiamonds, artifi cial diamonds, plasma chemistry, electric arc, heavy hydrocarbon material, black oil, submerged arc discharge
Page:  1201

B. A. Timerkaev, R. K. Gevorgyan, A. A. Zalyalieva, D. B. Timerkaeva.  PLASMA-CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS OF NANODIAMONDS ON THE SURFACE OF A MICROARC DISCHARGE CATHODE //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 95, №5. P. 1201.

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