Volume 95,   №5


Consideration has been given to internal energy saving during rectification, which takes account of the multiple condensation of the steam on column plates. The mechanism of heat and mass transfer between the liquid and the steam has been analyzed. An expression has been given for quantitative assessment of the internal energy saving during rectification. It has been substantiated theoretically that for the scheme of separation of ternary mixtures with the release of a high-boiling component in the first column, there is a region of original compositions, for which heat expenditures turn out to be the lowest. An expression has been given that describes the boundary of optimality domains of different separation schemes. Calculation of the expenditures of heat, performed with the Aspen Plus package for the two schemes of rectification of ternary mixtures has confirmed the theoretical substantiation of the presence of optimality domains for each. Using the notion of internal energy saving, the advantage of one or another scheme of separation of a ternary mixture has been explained.
Author:  M. K. Zakharov
Keywords:  rectifi cation, binary mixtures, ternary mixtures, refl ux ratio, minimum steam fl ow, internal energy saving during rectifi cation
Page:  1149

M. K. Zakharov.  THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF INTERNAL ENERGY SAVING DURING RECTIFICATION //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 95, №5. P. 1149.

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