Volume 95,   №3


An overview of the development of mathematical models used to describe the relationship between the parameters of the state of real gases is presented: from the fi rst van der Waals and Berthelot models to modern multicomponent equations of state with virial coeffi cients GERG-2008 and its modifi cations. The analysis of the characteristic features and limitations of the application of the considered models in determining the parameters of state of a real gas is given, the existing relationship between the individual models is shown. Examples of practical use of gas state change processes in calculations are given for each model. The existing regulations (ISO standards, GOST standards) specifying the determination of the physical properties of real gases are indicated. When considering and analyzing the equations of state of a real gas, emphasis is placed on their application to determine the parameters of the state of natural gas in the processes of transportation through trunk pipelines, pressure reduction at gas distribution stations, liquefaction, etc. The results of the work can be useful in choosing optimal mathematical models of the state of a real gas that meet the purpose of the study and provide the necessary calculation accuracy
Author:  O. M. Sokovnin ,  N. V. Zagoskina ,   S. N. Zagoskin
Keywords:  mathematical models, real gases, state parameters
Page:  806

O. M. Sokovnin.  MATHEMATICAL MODELS OF THE STATE OF A REAL GAS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 95, №3. P. 806.

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