Volume 95, №3
A mathematical model of confi ned combustion of a gas hydrate has been presented that assumes full evaporation
of water on the "hydrate–gas" boundary. In accordance with this assumption, the processes of diff usion of the gas
through a liquid layer and the formation of a foam structure are excluded from the theoretical model, which leads to
its signifi cant simplifi cation. The infl uence of the transfer coeffi cient on the temperature and concentration fi elds of
the components of the gas mixture, and also their action on the intensity of decomposition of the gas hydrate have been
analyzed based on numerical calculations. It has been established that both the intensity of combustion of methane
and the intensity of decomposition of the gas hydrate grow with increase in the values of transfer coeffi cients. Here,
the speed of decomposition of the gas hydrate decreases with time. It has been shown that in the case of confi ned
combustion a burnout regime is likely to occur, with the hydrate decomposition occurring due to the heat stored in
the gas mixture
Author: I. K. Gimaltdinov , I. M. Bayanov , M. V. Stolpovskii , A. S. Chiglintseva
Keywords: gas hydrate, combustion, phase transition, transfer coeffi cients.
Page: 591
I. K. Gimaltdinov.
ON THE CONFINED COMBUSTION OF A HYDRATE //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics.
. Volume 95, №3. P. 591.
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