Volume 94,   №5


An approach to solving the inverse problem of thermoelasticity that employs A. N. Tikhonov′s regularization principle and the method of infl uence functions has been suggested. The use of A. N. Tikhonov′s regularization with an effi cient algorithm of the search for the regularization parameter makes it possible to obtain a stable solution of the inverse problem of thermoelasticity. The unknown functions of displacement and temperature are approximated by the Schoenberg splines, whereas the unknown coeffi cients of these functions are calculated by solving the system of linear algebraic equations. This system results from the necessary condition of the functional minimum based on the principle of least squares of the deviation of the calculated stress from the stress obtained experimentally. To regularize the solutions of the inverse heat conduction problems, this functional also employs a stabilizing functional with the regularization parameter as a multiplicative multiplier. The search for the regularization parameter is effected with the aid of an algorithm analogous to the algorithm of the search for the root of a nonlinear equation, whereas the use of the infl uence functions makes it possible to represent temperature stresses and temperature as a function of one and the same sought vector. This article presents numerical results on temperature identifi cation by thermal stresses measured with an error characterized by a random quantity distributed by the normal law
Author:  Yu. M. Matsevityi, E. A. Strel′nikova, V. O. Povgorodnii, N. A. Safonov, V. V. Ganchin
Keywords:  inverse problem, thermal stress, infl uence function, spline, identifi cation, regularization, functional
Page:  1110

Yu. M. Matsevityi, E. A. Strel′nikova, V. O. Povgorodnii, N. A. Safonov, V. V. Ganchin.  METHODOLOGY OF SOLVING INVERSE HEAT CONDUCTION AND THERMOELASTICITY PROBLEMS FOR IDENTIFICATION OF THERMAL PROCESSES //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 94, №5. P. 1110 .

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